Lord Andrew Charles's Sons Part Two

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Lady Karissa walks in and she looks at her youngest son, "What is Albert Edward?" Lady Karissa asks.

"I can't find her mom." Lord Albert tells his mom.

"What is the hurry my son?" Lady Karissa asks.

"I want to marry, I want a lady like you." Lord Albert tells his mom.

"What in the world for my son?" Lady Karissa asks.

"What you need is a lady-love who will love the same things you like." Lady Karissa states.

"You wear your heart on your sleeve my son, just like me. You will only be hurt in the end. You don't want some woman pursuing you like your father did to me." Lady Karissa tells her son.

"Keep looking and you will find her when you are not looking ." Lady Karissa tells him.

"You can try Lennox Territory. Lennox Territory has some real French beauties." Lady Karissa states " On Star Base 10, there are some Swedish young ladies."

"I think some of the aristocrats on Star Base 10 come from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway along with England and France." Lady Karissa states.

Lady Alexandra Charlotte Holstein comes from Denmark. She is said to be very beautiful and virtuous." Lady Karissa tells her son.

Lady Christina Mariana Oldenburg is very lovely." Lady Karissa states.

"Have you seen Lady Elizabeth Oldenburg? She is very lovely and they are direct descendants from The King of Denmark." Lady Karissa explains.

"I don't want to marry an aristocratic mom." Lord Albert tells his mom.

"Have you checked the Campbell's, McDonald's and Gordon's." Lady Karissa asks.

"I have seen them but they are not to my taste." Lord Albert tells his mom.

"My son. You must keep looking." Lady Karissa tells him "There is no pressure on your brother or you to marry."

"It is up to you to marry or not." Lady Karissa states. "It is certain that Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain will marry their cousins." Lady Karissa states " It will put less pressure on you two to marry."

"Mom. I found my bride. Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart." Lord Anthony announces.

"What is your second cousin on your grandmother's side?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Isn't it bad enough that we are already related to them." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I love her dad. I will marry her if she will have me." Lord Anthony states.

"I am sure she will, but I really don't want my first cousin to be that related to us." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"My son. We are Howard's and They are Stuarts. Regretfully, your grandmother is a Stuart." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"I mean I love my cousin like I am supposed to and I know many Stuarts have married Howard's in the past." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Lord Alexander Charles is a pompous jerk and one day he crossed your mother and he insulted her but she didn't take it sitting down and he didn't like it." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"I am going to ask her to marry me. " Lord Anthony states.

"I see I can't change your mind." Lord Andrew Charles tells his son.

Lord Albert Edward Howard finally settles on Lady Henrietta Ann Bourbon for his bride and she is French. She is beautiful and she is very passionate and she awakens Lord Albert Edward and when she comes to him she is a Virgin but she has experimented with oral sex and bi-sexual where as she allows women to give intense orgasms.

Lord Albert Edward and Lady Henrietta Ann Bourbon are equally yoked in almost everything and they share a lot in common like dancing, singing, music, reading, horse-back riding, and they are both incurable romantics at heart.

Lord Albert Edward and Lady Henrietta Ann Bourbon are equally yoked in almost everything and they share a lot in common like dancing, singing, music, reading, horse-back riding, and they are both incurable romantics at heart

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Lady Henrietta Ann is well received in the Howard family by Lord Andrew Charles, Lady Karissa, and Lady Elizabeth.

Lord Albert Edward and Lady Henrietta Ann have a very happy marriage with few conflicts and a very healthy love life between them that gives them two lovely children, Lord Andre Edward Howard and Lady Andrea Edwina Howard.

The Duchess of Two Dukedoms on Star Base 12Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ