Issue 2 - The Amazing All Might

Start from the beginning

"No, no. I've got this. Keep everyone away from the windows. What floor is this happening from?"

The Officer shook his head, unsure. "I couldn't tell you; I believe it's somewhere between the fifth and seventh floors."

Holding my hand up, I webbed the side of the building. "Fear not, Officer, I'll get this done for you. What's your name?"

"It's Officer Davis. Now go on, get out there."


Crawling across the wall, I snuck in through a broken window sticking to the ceiling. The apartment complex seemed unfinished, with rooms empty and building equipment lying around. This would be the perfect place to kidnap some innocent people. Taking my backpack off, I webbed it to the wall, grabbed a set of go, and set them up around the area. Linking them to my phone, I got a good view of the floor. Flipping through the footage, I stopped seeing three people tied up in the centre of the room. I called Officer Davis, whispering, getting a better look, taking out my phone. "Hey, it's umm, you know, tell me how many hostages I should watch for?"

"I believe five, but I can't be certain."

"Ok, I've got eyes on three. Oh, wait... There you are. I see a sniper from the floor above. As you said, Officer, the kidnapper has a perfect line of sight on the hostages. Any wrong move, and they're toast." Zipping across the floor, I crawled right up into a corner directly below the villain. "I can get behind them and clear a path for a safe extraction... Umm, Officer Davis, are you there? The guy hung up on me. Rude."

Pausing, I took a deep breath, continuing to crawl around, squeezing through a small gap right behind our kidnapper. Crouched down, I got closer, finding it hard to see them clearly, being almost pitch black. Their hands were wrapped around the sniper, not budging an inch. This was my chance. Webbing the kidnapper's legs, I pulled them back, also webbing up the sniper. Pinning them to the ground, I leaned in, barking. "That ends your small reign." 

Pulling the attacker into view, I froze, shocked. The sniper was one of the victims. A woman with her hands tied to the gun and her mouth covered in tape. Quickly pulling my webbing off, I took off her restraints. "Are you alright? What happened?!"

The moment she could speak, she screamed out in horror. "It's a trap!"

The moment she screamed out, my Spider-Sense went mental, lifting my head; I turned, hearing a faint beeping. My eyes widened as I tackled the woman back as serval explosions went off, taking out the entire seventh floor. Falling, I quickly shot a web out, stopping our fall. Then, attaching the web to her, I crawled back. "I'll be right back; I need to save the others first."

Zipping back up, I found the apartment complex on fire, the roaring blaze spreading quickly. I began swooping up the victims with little choice, moving each one to the windows. This fire would spread quicker than I could get each one to safety, So I would have to improvise. Kicking the window out, breaking it, I made serval safety nets out of my webs. Picking each hostage, I threw them out the window to safety.

Two saved, three to go. Climbing up, I bumped into Officer Davis, coughing over the flames. "What are you doing, her Officer? It's too dangerous!"

"I can't just sit by and let people die. I want to help."

Coughing more, I nodded, pointing to the exits. "There's more hostages beyond this point. If we split up, we can cover more ground." Turning away from him, I kept walking, only for my Spider-Sense to go off yet again. Quickly leaping back, I avoided Officer Davis shooting me. Kicking the gun from his hand, I crouched down in a fighting stance. "What the hell?!"

"You wannabe heroes are all predictable. You'll run into any dangerous situation if you are asked to," the imposter chuckled in a thick Russian accent. This will be your grave."

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