The drive to my house doesn't take long and I'm not surprised that my mother isn't home since she doesn't get out of work til eight at night.

Walking in, I place my bag on the side table and head upstairs.

Before I make it to my room, I see my mothers room cracked open and I furrow my brows because she never leaves it open.

I walk over and slowly open her bedroom door and gasp at what I see.

Her room is completely trashed.

Broken glass scattered on the floor and her sheets are ripped up. The mirror on her vanity is also broken as well as all her things thrown on the floor.

Did someone break in?

No. That can't be right because then the entire house would be totaled. I remember usually ever year this happens and when I check my phone to look at the date, my suspicions are correct.

I never understood why she breaks down every year on this date but I'm always the one to clean up the mess.

"Fucking hell, mom." I groan out in frustration and start pulling my curls up in a high bun.

No more braids for me but it was fun while it lasted.

I start by sweeping all the broken glass away and putting it in a garage bag as well as removing her ruined sheets and putting up new ones.

Once I get to her nightstand, I start grabbing all the used tissues and throwing in the bag furiously because I'm so tired of always cleaning up after her.

She's my mom. I'm the child and shouldn't have to keep doing this. I should only have to worry about school and boys and not my mother who is too mentally unstable that I have to sometimes wash her body in the shower when she's had one too many glasses of wine.

I know she hates me for something I had no control over but I've always had hope that deep down she cares for me.

I didn't realize I was swiping all the trash on the nightstand so harshly because then the drawer swings open and nearly breaks off.

I was about to close it when I see something that caught my eye.

Picking up the papers I realized that their letters.

Letters to my father.

August 19th, 2003

Dear Thomas my love...

Our beautiful baby girl has just been born and I would love for you meet her. She looks just like you and I can't help but miss you terribly. I wish to see you again and pray that you will come back to me soon. This pregnancy without you was miserable and I don't know if I can't raise our child alone.

Please come back to me. I miss you with all my heart and I will forever have you with me even though you just up and vanished. I could never love someone as much as I love you and this child that I carried for nine months won't due without you by my side.

With all my love,
Your little Annabelle.

I look over the letter several times with tears threatening to spill but I hold back and continue to read the other ones.

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