Prophecies of a Dead Angel

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I tried, I really did.
I tried to be a good student, I tried to be a good daughter, I tried to do everything I had to do without losing everything.
That was before I met him. After... nothing else seemed to matter after him.
He was like something from another world....
Mostly because he wasn't human. And neither am I.
It pains me to write this but I wanted to let you know that I am not dead and I am not in immediate danger at this moment in time.
You were right, mom, when you said I had been gifted.
I am a prophet, chosen by God.
He's an angel, by the way.
I just wanted to say I love you and I'm sorry I had to leave. You were endangered because of me being there. The demons would have come and began attacking you when Ezekiel stopped their attempts to hurt me.
It was for the best.

Tears dripped down my face as I folded the letter and handed it to Ezekiel, whose green eyes were sad.
"Verity, you don't have to do this." He said in a small voice, taking the paper from me and folding it once more so it fit into his palm.
"Take it to them, Zeke." I managed through a choked throat. He closed his eyes like he wanted to say something but decided against it.
"I'll be back." He promised me before disappearing in a sound of ruffling wings.
I was left alone in a small and cheap motel room. Scattered on one bed was weapons and books, on the other a mess of sheets and blankets.
I decided to clear a spot for me on the bed without the pointy blades and laid down, my eyes immediately sliding shut.
I hadn't been able to get more than four hours sleep without nightmares recently.
I called them nightmares- Zeke called them snippets of prophecies slotting together to terrify me.
I felt the slow tendrils of a prophecy slowly start to drag me under the surface of them.
I managed a weak call for Ezekiel before I was fully submerged in my prophecy.
"Well, well, well, Miss Verity. Your plan has gone accordingly, hasn't it?" My heart slammed into my ribs at the sound of his voice. Ezekiel still hadn't come back from retrieving the Tablets. He had been gone for hours. Something was wrong.
"Y-you don't scare me, Asmodeus." I stammered. "I know every move you're going to make and not one of them scares me." I informed him.
"Then why is your voice shaking? Because you know I'm going to kill you?" Asmodeus suggested, the demon's steps drawing nearer and nearer.
"You won't." I tried.
"No. I won't. I'll leave that to someone who wants it so much more. Besides, your angel is already dead."

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