Issue 1 - The Chameleon Strikes

Start from the beginning

"Now, because of you. Thank you, Spider-Vigilante."

"It was my pleasure." I wave, stopping and hearing my alarm ring. "Crap, I'm late. Got to go! Call the police, yeah?"

Running out of the shop, I stumble back, bumping into a student with green hair. He quickly dropped his notebooks. I quickly webbed them up, handing them back to him. "Sorry. Got to zip."

Flying away, I lay on my back, falling, looking at my phone over the moon. "Hell, yes! I got in; I got in! UA High Department of Support, wait till Harry hears about this!"

My senses went off as I flinched, crashing into a lamppost, falling, groaning, and hearing my lunch splatter in my bag. "Oww..."

From the store, the salaryman tied up had managed to break free, fleeing. As the police were turning up, he reached for his face, taking off a mask, his whole persona changing on the spot. "That was far too close. That Spider got in my way this time. But next time." Putting on another mask, his appearance turned into that of a police officer. "Next time, I'll squash him like the pest he is."


The school bell was already ringing as I began running down the corridor, hopping on one foot to try to get my shoes on. Then, tightening my tie, I burst through the door.

"Mina Ashido?"


"Finally decided to show up, did you, Mister Parker? How many times does this make now?"

"I actually lost count... Sorry, Mr Ditko, it won't happen again."

"Of course, it won't. Take a seat, Parker. We'll discuss this later."

Sliding into my desk, I began unpacking my belongings, slowly holding up my textbooks and seeing them drenched with spilt tomato soup. "Damn it... Aunt May is going to kill me."

"Eijiro Kirishima?"


I felt a nudge on my chair. Smiling to myself, I turned around to see my best friend, Harry Osborne, leaning forward. "Well? Did you get in?"

"You're looking at the newest student in the support programme, UA High."

"Rock on, Y/N! That's awesome. I knew you had it in you. You're like a genius; I told you that the Suspension Matrix gadget you made would blow people away."

"I couldn't have done it without your help. Your father came in clutch, letting me use Oscorp's labs to cook it up. What about you?"

Holding the small letter, Harry smirked. "What do you think? UA's Department of Management is calling my name. Soon, it will be seen all across Japan. Osbourne agency."

"No way you both got in?" Kirishima whispered, slouching over to my right. "That's awesome; hey, maybe we'll all get into UA High if all goes well."

"With your quirk, that shouldn't be a problem." Harry boasted. "You could easily make it into the hero course. Us quirkless nobodies are lucky even to step foot in that school."

"Don't say it like that. Your father's like a billionaire. He practically runs this city, and you, Y/N. You're incredible at making all those support items. So I'll definitely come to you for all of that."

Nodding, feeling thrilled, I gave him a thumbs up. "That's a Parker promise; I'm your guy."

"Y/N Parker!"

Standing up, I looked around, seeing people laugh at me. "Yes, sir!"

Rolling his eyes, Mr Ditko sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Sit down, dear lord."

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