Chapter 43: Camping

Start from the beginning

"Sunny are you here?!" I heard Ella shouts from somewhere.

I peer in between the spines of the books.

I saw Ella wearing a flowy yellow dress that reached to the floor. She's barefoot. I bet James did not see Ella yet. I can imagine him running around the house holding Ella's slipper looking for her.

"I am here!" I answered while walking towards Ella.

Ella smiled brightly when she saw me. Once I stops in front of Ella, I was surprise when she suddenly hugged me.

I hugged her back even if I don't know the reason why she is hugging me. "Why are you hugging me?" I ask.

Ella released me from her motherly hug and smiles. "I just felt like it. Is it wrong to hug my daughter?"

"Da-daughter?" I ask. I got suddenly emotional.

Ella nodded. She pointed at my chest. "You are my daughter Sunny. Maybe not biologically but God gave me you to be my daughter."

I smile at Ella and hugged her again. Ella pats my back lovingly and said "You can call me mommy like everyone else you know. I kept on waiting for you to call me that and Gideon even reminds me to give you time but fudge him and his time! I want you to call me that as soon as possible!"

I giggle. "Mommy. I have a mommy."

"I am here my beautiful daughter. Always." Ella replied.

I release Ella from my hug.

Ella smiles and said frankly "Do you want me to teach you how to read?"

I was taken aback. I look at Ell- I mean mommy Ella skeptically.

"Are you sure? My teacher and parents gave up on me."

Mommy Ella waves her hand in the air. "Pssh. I know I act childish 100% of the time and I am dumb when it comes to computers, cellphones and technologies but I excell in Academics. I remember Gideon and Scott can't even believe that I have high grades. I mean intelligence doesn't mean you know everything. It comes with the territories."

"And don't even start me with your teachers and parents. I want to say bad words to them but that's not my style. I'll let Gideon and Grey handle them." Mommy Ella winks.

Why did that wink frightens me?

Mommy Ella sets up our classroom inside the library. She brought out children's books that you saw in pre-schools.

"So for the last few days, I read all the things I should do to help you Sunny to read."

She opened the first book then she proceeds to pronounce the letters one by one.

She patiently repeat each sound until I get it. She praise me and gives me rewards whenever I got the sound of the letter she points at right.

"I promise on my triple chocolate fudge cookies. You will relearn how to read in no time." I nodded at mommy Ella eagerly.

The library door opened, Jamison and Parker entered running.

"We are home mother!" Jamison shouts.

Parker and Jamison, both hug and kiss our cheeks in greeting.

"Watcha doing?" Jamison plop beside me.

"I am teaching your sister to read. She already memorize the sound of all the letters!" Mommy Ella said proudly.

Parker smiled and said "Congratulations sis!"

"This calls for a celebration right?! We should eat outside!" Jamison claps excitedly.

"Can you keep this a secret for now? Please?" I requested.

Mommy Ella furrow her eyebrows "Why?"

"I want it a surprise, for Grey Grey mostly."

All three of them nodded in understanding.

"Well can I at least tell it to Gideon? Gideon will know I am keeping something from him as soon as he sees my face. That's one of his talents amongst other things."

I nodded.

"We can still eat out. We don't need a reason to eat at a restaurant. Our staff will at least can rest today because we are not gonna eat here." Parker said.

"You're right. We should text Grey, Ameera and Gabriel." Jamison said.

Jamison opened his bag and brought out a phone with multiple cracks on the screen. You would think someone deliberately run it over multiple times.

"Honey, I told you we should buy you a new phone." Mommy Ella said.

"Nah. No need mommy. I can still see the screen and I can still type on it. See?''

Jamison showed us the message he was typing.

"Better yet, we should just buy phones with keypads." Parker suggested.

Mommy Ella shooks her head "Gideon said that kind of phone was phase out already."

"Daddy's lying to you mommy." Jamison said.

Mommy Ella's eyes narrowed. "Is he?"

"Yep. He even lie the other day. The bakery's open mommy. I saw it when I passby." Jamison snitched.

"He said it was close! I was even craving for some pecan pie! That traitor!"

Mommy Ella suddenly stands up and stomps out of the library shouting "Alfred! Set up a tent outside now! and let Gideon sleep there for a week!"

Jamison smirks.

Ella's right. Jamison's really the mastermind of trouble not Gabriel.

Parker stood up and said. "Well I should prepare my sleeping bag."

"Why?" I ask.

"I won't let daddy sleep outside alone. He'll be lonely." Parker replied.

"No! If you join him! Gab, Ameera, Grey and I will be forced to join you two and that's not part of my plan!" Jamison whine.

Parker shrugs his shoulder and left.

"Damn it! I should have think this through."

Jamison stands up and reached for my hand. "Come on big sis. It seems that we are gonna sleep outside for a week."

Why am I included??!! I complains mentally.


Greyson's POV

I am in front of a house surrounded by a white picket fence. Their lawn was perfectly mowed and no weed in site.

This house was one story and according to the folder I read it has 4 rooms inside.

"Are you ready son?" Daddy ask beside me.

We are both wearing black sunglasses and all black three piece suit.

I mean, I don't want to look sloppy in  front of my future in laws right?

This meeting will be interesting.

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