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Warnings- drugs (weed) and slight make out.

you have had a crush on jj for years but you've never had the guts to tell him. the thought of you telling jj you liked him terrified you. you over thought it everyday you came close to telling him but it never happened.

John b, your brother was the only person who knew about your feelings for his best friend and he didn't like the idea of you two being a 'thing'. you knew that he had struggled not to tell jj but thankfully he hasn't over the past couple of years.

your relationship with jj has always been strong but you didn't think he would see you as anything other than a best friend or a friend. and that's why you've kept your feelings private. the thought of you telling him you liked him and then he said he didn't feel the same is the main reason you've always kept it to yourself.


you was sat with Kiara on the hammocks talking to her about your plans for this weekend.

"we could go surfing or have lunch at the wreck" Kiara said.

you weren't paying any attention to what Kiara was saying, all you could focus on was jj. Kiara's voice stopped and she hit your shoulder causing you to turn your head to look at her.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked, a smirk crawling on her face.

your eyes slightly widened, "y-yeah, of course" you stuttered.

Kiara folded her arms knowing you was lying, "what was I talking about then?"

you buried your face in your hands due to embarrassment. Kiara's giggled filled the air. you slowly looked back up at her with a curious look on her face.

"y/n, it's so obvious" she told you placing a hand on your knee.

you furrowed your eyebrows, "what is?" You asked.

you were really hoping she hadn't noticed that you were staring at jj and watching him whilst he surfed.

"do you really think I'm stupid? I know you like jj you haven't exactly done the best job at keeping it a secret for a while" she giggled.

you were shocked, your mouth agape, "how long have you known?" You asked.

"like a year I think" she said whilst she fiddled with the ends of her braids.

you couldn't help but smile and slightly laugh.

"I don't believe you didn't tell me" she childishly hit you, the two of you bursting out into giggles.

your giggles were interrupted by jj and John b returning from surfing. Kiara glanced at you and smirked, you widened your eyes at her signaling for her to not say anything.

"what's got you two giggling so much?" John b asked, leaning his board up against the tree that supported the hammock.

"nothing" you told him tucking your lose hair behind your ear.

"Didn't look like nothing" jj added smiling at you, you smiled back and Kiara stood up out of the hammock.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Kiara asked placing her hands on her hips.

Jj scratched his head, thinking of an idea.

"Kegger?" You asked, standing up too. jj smirked.

"Kegger it is!" He yelled.

the night soon arrived which meant everyone was going to the party, it was at the chateau, yours and john bs house.

Jj approached you with a blunt between his lips, blowing smoke into your face before speaking to you.

"You look beautiful" he told you.

you smiled at his compliment, "thank you"

he smiled back and put his blunt between his lips again. he noticed you staring at his cigarette and pulled another one out of his pocket, followed by a lighter.

"Want one?" He asked smirking. you nodded and handed you the lit blunt.

you put it between your pink tinted lips and blew the smoke into JJ's face like he did to you earlier.

"you look hot doing that" he told you.

you smirked at him and did it again teasing him, John b approached you two before anything could go any further.

"Hey lovebirds! Do you two want a drink" he asked enthusiastically, causing you and jj to exchange looks.

"Jeez bro how much have you had to drink?" Jj asked, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, you rolled your eyes at your brothers childish behavior.

"Right okay I'll leave you two alone" he said winking at the two of you.

you both chuckled at him before jj turned to you.

"Can I talk to you. Somewhere private?" He asked, puffing on his blunt again.

"Yeah, of course" you told him.

you followed him to the beach and sat next to him on the sand. the sea was calm and the sky was clear, the starts being very visible.

Jj cleared his throat, "right, so, I have to tell you something and I don't want you to freak out or anything and if you don't feel the same way then it's okay because we can just act like this conversation didn't happen" his voice was shaky. "Fuck y/n, why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, smirking at you"

you smirked back and shrugged before he continued.

"I like you. you the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and your funny and smart. I'll understand if you don't like me but I just had to tell you as I couldn't keep it a secret for any longer" he told you staring straight into your eyes.

you cupped his cheek and connected your lips together. the kiss was slow and meaningful, you had wanted to kiss jj for years and never expected it to ever happen.

jj pulled away smiling, "I'm guessing that means you like me back?" he asked pulling you closer to him. You nodded and he pushed your lips onto his again.

this time, the kiss was faster and more aggressive, the kiss turning into a make out. jj pulled you into his lap your lips never disconnecting.

"Hey have you guys- wait what the fuck!" He yelled causing you and jj to pull apart.

"Um hey man" jj said, standing up and patting his shoulder. John b looked to you and then back at jj.

"What man? You told me to shoot my shot so that's what I did" jj told him.

you stood up and walked over to them, grabbing JJ's jaw and kissing his lips again.

"Alright alright I get I get" he told you both pulling jj off of you.

you laughed and walked back over to the party with jj and John b.

"Just wait until I tell Kiara about this" you told jj he smiled at you and followed you to the chateau.

A/N: This is kinda crappy but it's okay just wanted to upload something.

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