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And this is how it ends, my short life falling not so gracefully over a very high cliff okay maybe I should start from the beginning of the story
It all started when I was born to none other than the queen and king of Yanoma. I was their youngest of four kids with three older sisters and one older brother so of course they are specter me to follow in all my siblings footsteps and be a perfect little princess. I was the opposite ,I'd rather play in the dirt then learn to balance a book on my head and would often sneak out into the village when it was time for lessons I didn't need all that I mean they are just gonna lock me in a tower as soon as I turn sixteen until some perfect little prince on his perfect little horse came and slayed whatever dangerous creature they decide to guard me with then they will expect me to marry him I always hated the idea all my other sisters loved the idea of marriage to a prince but not me I would prefer to marry about anyone else, princes are most often stuck up snobs who don't care about anyone but themselves.
Anyway everything started about a week before my sixteenth birthday. I was the only girl left in the house since all my sisters were locked up in some disclosed location waiting for a prince and to save them and my mom was off on some diplomatic trip so while waiting for the dreaded day I hung out with one of the only people who don't think I'm a complete disgrace my brother Quentin who was almost always practicing his swordplay and his teacher was off somewhere so I was the only not busy person in the castle I got to practice with him I was so excited I was never allowed to handle a sword except to hand it to a man because sword fighting was a mans job and unladylike.
According to Quentin I was a natural I had watched him practice for so long that I had practically memorized all the moves there was to learn And I was a quick learner after a few days I was almost as good as Quentin to bad I wouldn't ever get to use it considering I was about to be locked up and forced to marry a snob
There was only one day left until death day so I was using every little bit of it I didn't know when I would have another free day. I went into the village as soon as I got up ,got breakfast at the village bakery then walked around looking through stores and getting a few things to keep me occupied I returned to the palace for lunch. As I walked I could see the palace on the horizon the white marble and gold accents shimmering in the sunlight with a sparkling blue green lake but the side surrounded by a blooming meadow at that moment I knew I would miss that place as much as I snuck out trying to get away I knew that was my home and I would be leaving tomorrow and I didn't know when I would be able to come back by the time I reached the castle I was practically sobbing.
That night the chef made my favorite creamy chicken Alfredo and a delicious going away cake which only made me cry more I cried myself to sleep that night in the morning put on my travels clothes ate a light breakfast and then we were off. The captain of the guard drove me off into the forest blindfolded so I wouldn't know where I was being taken. I was was put on a lift and through a small space which turned out to be a window the I waited for ten minutes then took the blindfold off. Then I just collapsed on the bed in the middle of the room and cried till I passed out from emotional exhaustion.

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