"Ooouuu, how many times do you do it now that you have two kids?" Nicole gasped, with a hand on her mouth.

I looked up, pretending to think long and hard at her question. "I'd say like 5 times a week. Sometimes multiple times a day."

The girl's jaws dropped to the floor, they looked pretty weird at this point. "With a husband like that, that looks at you like that, I wouldn't be surprised. You guys are a perfect fit for each other."

"Yeah, I know. I can't picture my life with anyone besides him. He's....my bestie I can say."

"You guyssss!!!! Let's stop talking about this before I fucking cry. Let's eat!!!!!"


I looked around the table, and all my best mates were all here. Loving friends, crazy kids running all over the yard, and this was all I ever asked for. A family that has fun together, stays together.

"Honey, you're okay?" A foreign look on his face.

"Uh, yeah. Just thinking about stuff, you know?"

"Wanna let me in a bit?"

"Sure. Let's find some place quiet first." He got up with me, and we settled on sitting right by the pool.

"You've been on edge for a while lately. And you've been super distant as of late. Did I do something wrong?"

I didn't know how to tell him this. And me not knowing how he'd react to this made me even more nervous.
You'll never know until you try.......right?

"You know I love you right?" I took my hands in mine, my eyes tearing up.

"Of course baby, but where is this going?" His face was void of any emotion, but his voice was slightly shaking, another nervous trait he has.

"I know that this is super unexpected, and definitely unplanned but.... I want you to receive this with an open heart and mind...yes?" I was very hesitant on telling him. For a smart man, he has a way of acting out of line whenever he's ambushed. Almost deadly.

"I can't know what it is if you don't tell me honey. The suspense is just killing me and -"

"I'm pregnant."

After saying those two words it was as if the world around us stood still. His eyes dilating numerous times, as if he's trying to make sense of what he's heard. A solid 2 minutes passed without any of us saying anything.

This is exactly how he reacted with the first two pregnancies, but this one seemed to hit him the most.

"Well, shit." He put his head between his hands, his head shaking numerous times before erupting into a full blown laugh, throwing his head back.

"Fuck dude, I thought you were leaving me!!! I was so fucking scared!!!!!"

This caused me to laugh as well. " Are you insane? And leave all that we've worked for behind? In your dreams!!!"

He turned us around so he was on top of me.

"Baby number 3 huh? Do you think we'll manage?"
A thoughtful look on his face....tracing the slight freckles on my face.

"The boys haven't died yet, so that's a good sign."

"Pfff!!! Don't say that, you're making us sound like bad parents."


"What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"I have no idea."

I would definitely go through all the bullshit all over again, as long as I end up with my beautiful family.

And so, we lived out our best lives, with growing friendships, and memories to last us a lifetime.
I'm blessed with the perfect trio of kids, a great career and social life, and last but definitely, definitely not least, my hot, amazing husband., and I wouldn't have it any other way.

~The End ~

Started : February 12, 2022
Finished : March 25, 2022

Phew, that was... something.

First up, I'd like to thank you guys for your continuous support, it's because of you that we went from 700 reads, to over 8K reads in just a month and a half, what?!?!? You guys are amazing!!!

Y'all didn't tell me about the writer's block?!?! Owemji it was the pits, I'm telling you!!!

Also, let me know how I could improve on anything, I am open to correction since this is my first ever book, but please do so in a respectful way guys, your girl can get extremely sensitive. Also note that I have no prior writing experience whatsoever, so this book was my first everything. It was just done on a "hmm...I wonder how writing a book would feel" you know?

I enjoyed writing this book, and I hope you loved reading it just as much. Hopefully, soon enough, I'll write a second book based of of how well this baby does in the next coming weeks.

Let me know what kind of book I should write next, I'm open to new ideas from you guys.

Until next time....Xoxoxo

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