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"It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes!"

My Nelly Ringtone goes off as I open my eyes slowly and stare at my ceiling. I blink a couple times to get my senses together before I turn and check who is calling. Julius's selfie from our trip to New Orleans pops up.


"Morning, Beautiful! Did someone have a wild Friday Night?" Julius has always been a morning person. I don't understand how he does it. What really aggravates me is he doesn't understand that I am not a morning person.

"Julius, it's 9:00 AM. You couldn't wait one more hour to call?"

Julius laughs. I can picture his pearly white teeth gleaming in his smile.

"Kimi, it's Saturday. The 3rd Saturday of the month, to be exact."

Oh my God. I completely forgot. Dark Star always gets together on Discord and does a Breakfast Video call. We usually discuss the preparations for next month's streams, comment on each other's choice of breakfast, and obviously other topics. We always start it at 9:00 AM sharp and talk for about an hour.

"Fuck! I forgot. Shit! Tell the others I'll be on in a bit. Let me look decent!"

I can sense the smile in the next sentence he says.

"Kimi, you always look more than decent. You probably look adorable. I am sure you are rocking your Hello Kitty Bow and one of the matching pajamas you always wear once a week on stream."

I finally sit up and walk towards the bathroom. I turn on the sink and lean against the wall with my phone tucked in my neck.

"Julius, tell the others to give me thirty minutes. I am sorry. Work was brutal, and I got out late."

"Sure, Kimi. We will see you soon. Just join when you're done. Bye!" I can hear talking in Julius's background. I guess Dante, Marigold, and Jason are already on there since it's 9:05. I wouldn't be surprised if the triplets were joining too.

"Okay, see you in a few. Bye"

I hang up and then squat down to open the cabinets under my sink. I reach for my Clinique bag and pull out my Hello Kitty Spa Band that Julius mentioned earlier. Does he notice everything about me and remember? It's like he lives next door rather than on the other side of the country.

Sheesh, Kimi, you look like a zombie from Resident Evil. I would hate for my friends, also co-streamers, see the inches of crust built around my eyes. I scoff at my reflection in the mirror.

My curly ponytail is barely in place. I guess I slept wild last night. I place my headband around my neck and push it up as it sits nicely tucked behind my ears. I take my hair down and put it in a cute messy bun.

I begin doing my morning routines of facial cleansing and brushing my teeth.

Knock Knock.

What the hell? I hope that's Franklin.

"Kimi! I can't chit-chat, I'm kind of in a hurry, but I dropped off some breakfast tacos from Ricky's Fiesta! Julius said you need to hurry up and get on call. All of your friends are waiting, and they said you just woke up. Love you! See you later."

I can hear Franklin close the front door to my apartment and his loud steps echoing in the apartment halls. Julius, really? He really texted my brother. I shut off the water in the sink and towel dry my face.

I spray my Rose Water mist on my face. My cheeks are rosier than usual. Probably should drink a glass of water before coffee.

I let my hair down and let my brown curls land on my mid back and shoulders. I pose in the mirror and turn my head from side to side. There, I look a lot cuter than fifteen minutes ago.

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