"You'll forever be hers? Soulmate?"

"That's just stuff people say when they're in relationships."

"You keep downplaying shit like it's not a big deal when I'm telling you it is. This dumb shit is getting so old Bey."

"What dumb shit?"

"That dumb shit. You're a teacher, you're smarter than you act. Tell her to delete it."

"You want me to ask her to delete a year old post? What do I say when she asks me why I'm even that far down her Instagram page? It's weird."

"No what's weird is the fact that the post is even up in the first place. Why are you always defending her?"

"I wouldn't have to if you would just stop bringing her up. You care more about her than me and that's the problem. We don't have to
keep talking about her, she hasn't done anything but date me before I met you. Stop."

"You're telling me to stop? You need to stop."

"Stop what? What did I do? Onika you're mad at me because I don't hate her. It's not like we're friends or we even talk. I've seen her twice when I've been here and both interactions have been short and friendly."

"That's the issue, you're way too friendly. You act dumb and fake nice so you don't have to take accountability. You might be dumb but I'm not, I know what you're doing."

She laughed, "And what am I doing? You find these small things to blow up and make a big deal for no reason but to argue with me and be mad. You make crazy assumptions without any evidence and start acting like I did something. If I smile at the wrong person for too long, it's a problem. I can't win with you Onika."

"You can't blame me for being insecure."

"You came blame me either. The way you talk to me and accuse me of things sometimes is so crazy. Sometimes it's warranted because I know I can be oblivious about things but other times it's just crazy. I have things I need to work on as do you but this isn't how anything is going to get done."

"So what do you suggest we do?"

"Just wait until we get back, I have stuff planned in my head already."

There was a tiny knock at the door. "Mommy?"

"Come in!"

At home she never knocks on the door to my room, she just comes in. Since we've been here she knocks on the door every time and waits for me to say she can come in. I keep noticing little changes, kids are way too smart.

Imani came in and stood in the doorway. She looked like she was about to tell me she just threw up.

"Morning Mommy. Morning BeyBey." She came to my side of the bed and I helped her up. She climbed over me and went to Beys other side.

"Good morning stinky. Did you brush your teeth?" I know she didn't, her morning breath was something serious.

"Mhm!" She smiled and showed me all her teeth. She lies so easily.

"Come on, let's go brush a second time." I got her and picked her out of Beys arms.

I took Imani to brush her teeth and after we got back Bey was still in bed. The first thing Imani did was get back in bed.

"Bey come and brush your teeth."

"Coming. Imani if I get a call don't decline." She was going to do it anyways.

Bey came into the bathroom and waited until I was done to start brushing her teeth. I sat on the sink and waited for her too.

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked her after she was done.


"Are you mad at me?" I interlocked one of my hands with hers and use it to pull her in between my legs.

"No." She pecked my lips. I trapped her between my legs to stop her from moving.

"Then why don't you want to kiss me?"

"I'm just tired Onika." She gave me another kiss, a real one this time.

"I'm sorry." I know she's tired of me. I don't mean to react the way I do. I don't think I'm completely wrong but I don't want her to be mad at me.

"I just said I'm not mad."

She's so passive aggressive, half of the time she doesn't even tell me when there's something wrong. At least I tell her when I'm mad.

"But you clearly are."

"I'm not, everything's fine. Let's go eat." She put her hand on my thigh and slightly squeezed it. I let her go and she moved back.

We decided to go out for breakfast since it was our last day in Houston. We spent the rest of the day at Kelly's house, I know Bey was going to miss her more than she was saying.

i realized this is my book and i'm in complete control of the characters so if i don't like something i can just change it 😭 also onika's gonna be less annoying soon i promise



Onika stalking Beys exes page?

Is it weird she still has posts with Bey still up?

Should Bey ask her to take them down?

Does Bey act dumb to avoid taking accountability?

Is Bey tired of Onika?

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