Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"Why?" Padme wondered.

"He's a good friend of Obi-Wan's," Anakin revealed. "He's one of only two politicians Obi-Wan trusts, and likes. Did you know that?"

When Padme nodded in the negative, Anakin smiled. "Know who the other one is?"

Again, she gave a negative.

"You," he told her.

She lowered her head and smiled.

Anakin chuckled. "Anyway, while Obi-Wan was resting in the Healer's Ward, Siri asked permission to look up her family records in the Archives before they left. She always knew she came from an affluent family on Alderaan, but not who they were. It turns out that Siri's paternal great-grandfather and Bail Organa's paternal great-grandfather were brothers, Tobian and Korgan Organa."

Padme was astonished. "That makes Siri and Bail...fourth cousins?"

"So, you can understand why the Jedi might prefer that Senator Organa is in charge of the Republic," Anakin told her. "It gives them a connection to the Royal Family of Alderaan; not a strong connection, but a connection none-the-less."

"What time is your ceremony?"

Anakin looked at his wrist chrono. "In about three hours. Will you come?"

She was a bit surprised. "Would I be allowed?"

"Of course," he revealed. "I'm allowed to invite anyone I want. I want you."

Padme leaned forward and gave her husband a sweet kiss. "Then I'll be there."


Orowood Tower

Kenobi Apartment

Obi-Wan was standing on the balcony of the apartment staring at the Manarai Mountains. He was flexing the fingers of his new prosthetic left hand. It hadn't yet been covered with synthskin, and he wasn't certain if he wanted it to be. It was a stark and lasting reminder of his emotional lapse.


He turned around and smiled when he saw Reeft. He motioned him outside. Reeft joined him in leaning on the railing and enjoying the view. When he hadn't said anything after several moments, Obi-Wan opened the conversation.

"What brings you out here?"

Reeft shrugged. "I wanted to come and see how you, Siri and Zakk were doing."

Obi-Wan shrugged, contemplating his answer as he again looked down at his prosthetic hand. "We're okay, Reeft. Siri's had a few nightmares, as has Zakk, but overall...we're all okay."

Reeft took a deep breath. "Anakin's knighting ceremony is this afternoon. He wants you to be there."

Obi-Wan looked at his friend and shook his head. "I don't think that's possible, Reeft. Besides, you're his Master now. You should be the one to cut his braid."

"He can invite anyone he wants to the ceremony," Reeft reminded him. "He wants you there, Obi-Wan. He asked me to come out here and invite you. He has classes to finish up or he'd have come himself."

Obi-Wan ran his right hand through his spiky hair. "Reeft, I...I don't know if I can. I love Anakin like a brother and I'm beyond happy for him. He'll make a wonderful Jedi Knight. But, going back to the Temple..."

"When did it stop being enough for you?" Reeft suddenly asked his oldest friend.

Obi-Wan turned around and leaned against the railing so he could look inside the apartment where Siri was sitting on the couch reading to Zakk. His family brought a satisfied grin to his handsome face.

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