Chapter Thirty

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"What did you just say?" Anakin demanded as he called his saber to his hand; blue blade shimmering into view.

Palpatine grinned evilly. "Come now, Anakin, surely you must have suspected. As gifted as you are, you..."

Anakin's blue eyes blazed with controlled fury.

"Where is Obi-Wan?" he demanded as he circled the Chancellor, whose eyes he noticed were slowly changing from their normally warm, dark brown to a cold, steely yellow.

"What makes you think he's here?" Palpatine taunted.

Anakin reached out with his senses and suddenly realized that he couldn't now, and hadn't since he'd heard his former mentors scream in the Force, feel Obi-Wan. Slight doubt crept in.

Stay the course, Anakin.

"You haven't made this easy, Anakin," Palpatine continued. "You and Kenobi have constantly been thwarting my plans. He killed Darth Maul years ago. The two of you killed Count Dooku, Darth Tyrannus. Why, I thought with Qui-Gon Jinn out of the way..."

Anakin's temper flared. "Don't you dare speak his name in my presence. Where is Obi-Wan?"

"You could save him if only you'd embrace my teachings, Anakin," he began. "I'm quite impressed with your power, and his. With the two of you and young Zakk, I will be unstoppable."

Anger abated and fear set in.

"What have you done to Zakk!?"


Siri could still here the low voices of Anakin and Palpatine but she couldn't make out anything being said between the two. She'd never trusted the Chancellor in regards to Anakin, and now she knew why.

"Obi-Wan," she called softly to her still unconscious husband. She could see his chest rising and falling so she knew he was still breathing. "Please, wake up."



Mace Windu was giving last minute instructions to the other Masters when Ferus Olin came running up to them.

"Is there a problem, Padawan Olin?"

Rather than answer, he only spoke. "I want to go with you. I've tried reaching Master Tachi numerous times with no results. Masters, I'm certain that whatever has happened to Obi-Wan involves Siri as well."

Windu spoke up immediately. "No. You will remain here, Padawan Olin."

"I won't," Ferus declared. "I won't stay here. Siri was my master, and Obi-Wan and Anakin are my friends. I won't stand by and let them be...I won't."

Kit Fisto nodded and gave a small smile. "Let him come with us, Mace. He can only help. He's about to take his Trials, he's ready."

Windu reluctantly agreed.

Ferus didn't know what might lie ahead, but he had made his decision. He was going to help any way he could. If that meant charging into danger, then he would. If it meant being daring and brave, then he would be. If it meant being calm and focused, he would be.

If it meant laying down his life to save someone else, then he would.

He boarded the shuttle with the others as his contemplations went on.


"Young Zakk is to become one of my new apprentices," Palpatine told Anakin. "Along with you and his father, I will..."

Anakin stepped just a bit closer and slowly began to twirl his saber. "But you won't, Your Excellency. You won't have Zakk or me, or Obi-Wan. You won't have anyone because soon enough you'll be only a memory."

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