Chapter Twenty-Four

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"This isn't good, is it, Master?" Anakin asked as he and Obi-Wan packed.

Obi-Wan chuckled and shook his head. "No, it's not. Being recalled because Master Durian sent holopics of me kissing my wife to the Council is definitely not good. Yoda did what he had to do."

"At least it'll take us thirteen days to reach Coruscant," Anakin commented. "Plenty of time to figure out what you're going to say to them."

Obi-Wan chuckled. "Anakin, I don't think there's anything Siri or I can say to make this better. We broke the Jedi Code, in many ways. There is generally only one way the Council handles situations such as this one."

Anakin frowned. "You don't really think they'll...expel you?"

"Truthfully, I'll be surprised if they don't expel us. Siri and I both knew the dangers of our decisions, this being one of them."

"But you're a member of the Council, Master," Anakin pointed out. "Won't they make an exception?"

"The Council hasn't ever made an exception for this kind of violation," he stated. "I doubt they'll begin now simply because it's a Council member that is involved."

The two finished packing in silence. The transport ship that they would be boarding for the trip back to Coruscant was due to rendezvous with the Crusader in ten minutes. Obi-Wan, Siri, Anakin and Ferus had all been directed to be aboard.


Thirteen Days Later

Coruscant—Jedi Temple

The moment the transport ship landed on the docking platform at the Temple, the occupant's stood, ready to exit.

"General Kenobi," the pilot called. "Incoming message from Master Yoda. You and General Tachi are to report immediately to his private quarters."

Obi-Wan nodded and turned to face Anakin. "You're free to do as you wish, Anakin. I'll find you later."

"Yes, Master," he answered obediently.

"Ferus, the same for you," Siri ordered.

The young man inclined his head once. He didn't know why they had come back to Coruscant. Siri had been vague with the details, telling him only that she and Obi-Wan had been called back. He wasn't going to ask. He supposed she'd tell him when she thought the time was right.

As the two Padawan Learners walked off together, Obi-Wan and Siri did the same, chatting quietly.

"This is bad, Obi," she said softly. "We're going to be expelled, you know that, right?"

He nodded. "I know. It'll be all right. Whatever happens, it'll be alright."

Obi-Wan pressed the door chime when they arrived in front of Yoda's quarters.

When the little green Jedi appeared on the other side of the door, he ushered the two younger Jedi inside.

"Sit," he commanded.

Obi-Wan and Siri took seats on the sofa that Yoda kept in his quarters that was a suitable size for humans.

"Master Yoda, we know that..." Siri began, but was quickly cut off.

"Foolish, you both were," the little gnome sniped. "Now, much trouble you are in."

"How much trouble, Master?" Obi-Wan questioned. "Are we being expelled?"

"Expelled, you are not," Yoda told them. "Suspended, you are. Put on inactive status, you will be."

Siri breathed a sigh of relief. At least they weren't being expelled outright. That left a little room for negotiation.

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