Chapter Eighteen-Part Two

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Coronet City Spaceport

Coronet City, Corellia


Nejaa Halcyon, Jedi Master and Corellian Security Force officer was the first off the transport once he and his companions reached their destination.

"How do we find Ratri Tane?" Secura asked the moment they stepped off the transport.

Nejaa didn't answer her immediately. First, he turned to Ylenic It'kla and motioned him aside.

"Yes Master?"

Nejaa whispered. "You're our rear guard, Ylenic. Your job is to make sure we can leave at a moment's notice once we have Tane."

The tall Caamasi knight nodded once. "Understood, Master Halcyon."

Nejaa then turned back to Aayla Secura. "We're going to Homestar cantina to find Tane."

She began following him out of the spaceport. "Ratri Tane is located in a cantina?"

Nejaa laughed and shook his head. "No, but a friend who might help us is there. I contacted him while we were landing. He just might be in possession of valuable information on where Ratri Tane and his family are located, or at the very least, the location of someone who does know."

The female Twi'lek allowed herself a small smile at the ingenuity of Nejaa Halcyon.

Within moments, the two had boarded an air taxi and were headed for the Homestar cantina.


Every head turned when Nejaa and Aayla entered the cantina, including three Gotals that were standing at the bar.

"What does your friend look like?" she questioned.

Before he could answer, a blue Toydarian flitted up beside them and offered them a drink. Aayla immediately refused, but Nejaa nodded.

"I'll have a Corellian whiskey, Lorfo."

Aayla seemed surprised. "That Toydarian is your friend?"

Nejaa nodded, his eyes still glued to the three Gotals that now seemed to be interrogating one of the bartenders.

He led Aayla to a seat near the entrance so they could both see everyone entering and exiting the cantina.

"Lorfo has been a great help to myself and Rostek Horn in the past," he whispered so as not to be overheard. "I'm hoping he can be of help now."

Nejaa spoke as Lorfo came back and set his drink down. "Lorfo, I need to grab the attention of three Gotals over there."

The Toydarian gave a smile and began flitting annoyingly around Aayla's head. He bothered her with question after question. She got Nejaa's look and made a huge show of becoming irritated with Lorfo, which wasn't a stretch. She quickly stood and used a Force-push that sent Lorfo across the room.

The three Gotals noticed the commotion and turned to face the two Jedi.

"Here we go," Nejaa whispered.

The lead Gotal was a tall male. His two companions followed him closely.

"Can we help you...gentlemen?" Nejaa asked in a friendly tone

"You are the one that assaulted the Toydarian?"

Aayla spoke up. "I am."

The lead Gotal growled at her and drew a blaster pistol, which immediately led to lightsabers being ignited.

Blaster bolts collided with the sabers of Aayla and Nejaa. Nejaa leapt across the table and engaged the three in close quarters. Aayla came around and deflected a bolt right back at the left-most Gotal. He was felled instantly, and the two other stopped firing.

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