𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ---♡ VI

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"she didn't know
whether they were going to



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fushiguro stared at y/n as she placed her schools books into her bag. he watched as she double checked everything she had gotten ready before they left for the park.

it wasn't a date per say, but an outing for y/n to relax and study as fushiguro simply kept her company.

and neither one of them had to worry for haru since he was out with their father getting things for the kid's rooms.

"ready, fushiguro-kun?" as she asked that fushiguro nodded. the two of them walked towards the front door and got their shoes on, after fushiguro put his on he patiently waited for y/n to finish getting ready.

after she got them on he held his hand out for her to grab. it was a simple gesture yet the tips of his ears were turning red as she grabbed his hand to stand.

after that the walk to the park was quiet.

y/n held her bag behind her back as she stared at the trees that surrounded them. strands of her hair flew around as they walked.

"so... fushiguro-kun, you know you didn't have to join me for this outing, right?"

"I know. but if I stayed at your house it'd be odd, wouldn't it? and I don't have anything to do today nor tomorrow as well. so I can keep you company..." he went quiet before he spoke again. "do you not want me here, l/n-san?"

her eyes widened before she started stammered trying to get her words out.

"no- it's, uh, not that! I can assure you that I love your company- I love you even... I mean, nevermind." she felt embarrassed.

it wasn't the fact that she didn't want fushiguro here, it was the fact that he had the option to go back home-- or hang out with his other friends besides her.

"what I'm trying get across is that, you had the option to decline and go have fun with your other friends. I won't be doing much besides catching up on work and studying."

"I know that. but I'm going to spend some time with you before I begin to become busy with school again."

she had forgotten they went to two different schools. she didn't even know what he learned or what he did; all she knew was what he wore.

which was what he always wore when visiting her and haru. and she never asked him why he wore that, and she wasn't bothered by it. which was why she didn't ask him.

"fushiguro-kun, what school do you go to, exactly....?" he wasn't quite ready to answer that question, nor was he ready to tell her anything about his life.

of course though, he had gotten the idea, or feeling, that he would eventually have to explain everything to her at some point.

"it'd a school for gifted people. it's not like your normal school. the students are nice, the teachers well.... they're okay in a way I guess."

"really? how different is it from my school? besides it being for " gifted students" and all."

"well we're assigned groups, and we're to stay with that group until graduation. and since we're a select few, it's different than having an entire class."

"oh! okay."

he decided he might as well become even more comfortable with her and tell her some things while bending around the truth.

"and the friends you have, are they the ones you often have to go help?"

fushiguro nodded.

"I see. is your teacher a good one?"

he wouldn't exactly say he was a good one-- if you want to count that he often took them to dangerous situations, or most times was gone for some unknown reason by the school itself. but he was a good teacher in protecting his students when needed.

but he wasn't one to blame. not when his job was to do anything he was told with nobara and yuji.

"I guess you could say so." he heard her giggle, somethinh that told him that she found it ammusing of what he said.

"do you have homework?"

"no." he heard her whine, and then let out a few curses before continuing her questions.

"no fair! usually I'm assigned mountains of homework, but even then I'm okay with that. the more I can do, the more I can learn, right?"

fushiguro didn't understand why she was happy to do homework, so the only thing he could was nod towards her.

"also, fushiguro-kun... haru and my father told me to ask you something..." they stopped walking, and turned towards each other.

"and what exactly is it, l/n-san?"

"will you be staying for dinner, tonight? my father has gotten used to you being here and haru wants to show you his collection of manga."

he looked down at the concrete before patting her head.

"if you want me to, I'll stay for dinner."

she blushed before a wide smile appeared. she interlockef their hands together as their walk to the park resumed to being a lulling quiet.

in moments like theses-- although they barely begun to have such things-- she wished they'd last an eternity. she wanted them to be a moment they both remembered until their departure from each other.

and she didn't know whether they'd last a lifetime together, and that was alright. them not lasting for forever was a good thing.

but in terms that they did last forever: well it'd be something she'd absolutely cherish and love no matter how long she had to live.

which was why she took initiative and held his hand on their walk to the park. she wasn't one to do a thing such as that, but she really did love fushiguro. and whether he could feel the love coming from her or not was okay in her eyes.

she'd just show him in small acts of service or company.

"you know fushiguro-kun, you're a lot warmer in the autumn wind."

she placed her head on his shoulder as they walked, a small content smile appeared.

if anyone were to walk by them they'd feel the love that was radiating from the two. although one showed it more than the other, it was still love.

and fushiguro could tell he wasn't going to see his 'l/n-san' leaving his side any time soon.

and that was okay.


"but she'd start with
forever if they did."

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ♡ 𝙁𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now