―vii. evil frosty ruins everything

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ISAAC WOKE UP SHIVERING, which was a feat considering the multiple layers of t-shirt, hoodie, and sleeping bag shielding him from the elements—or at least, trying to. 

The sound of shuffling and cursing told Isaac he was the last awake. He sat up to see Will glaring at the zipped-up tent entrance, as if it was personally responsible for the cold. 

"It was not this cold when we fell asleep," Nico said through chattering teeth, all but swaddled in a blanket.

Isaac bundled as far into his hoodie as he could and reached for the zipper, tugging it open just enough to see outside. He cursed at the sight of frost in the grass, just a few feet from the tent entrance. 

"The storm grew overnight," he said, zipping the tent back up. "We need to move before it gets worse."

They all rushed to get dressed in as many layers as they could manage without being unable to move. None of them bothered to change out of their sleep clothes, given the temperature and the lack of privacy in the single tent. 

Isaac would worry about feeling gross when he could actually feel his toes again. 

They didn't bother to take the tent down or pack up, leaving that for after they dealt with the blizzard. After pulling on their boots and arming themselves, Isaac started to lead the way into the storm. 

"Wait!" Will said, grabbing Nico's hand with his right. He held his left hand out to Isaac.

Isaac blinked, staring at the hand like a deer might stare at headlights. "What?"

"Hold my hand," Will ordered. 

Isaac ignored the very annoying heart palpitations that made it feel like tiny people were moshing in his chest. "...Why?"

Will looked at him like he was stupid. "We're about to walk into a literal blizzard." He shook his hand pointedly. "Come on."

"I—" Isaac floundered, already flustered at just the thought. Holding Nico's hand in Camp Jupiter had been bad enough, and he hadn't had to do it in front of his boyfriend

"What, you'll hold my hand but not Will's?" Nico said, raising an eyebrow. The bastard had the audacity to smirk. "That's not nice."

Will looked at Nico, then at Isaac. "What's wrong with my hand? I'll have you know it is a lot softer than Nico's. 'Cause unlike someone, I actually moisturize."

"It's not that, I—" Isaac huffed, hoping no one noticed his burning cheeks as he grudgingly gave Will his hand. "Fine. Let's go."

Will beamed, threading their fingers together. Gods fucking dammit. "Soft, right?"

Isaac glared at him. "Just walk, Solace."

Will snorted, leading the way into the storm with Isaac and Nico in tow. 

And gods dammit, his hand was really soft. 

Isaac could barely see through the white haze of the blizzard, so distance was hard to judge. They must have been walking for ten minutes at least when he felt the roaring winds start to slow the further they walked. 

"Do blizzards have eyes?" he yelled over the sound of the wind. 

"Eyes?" Nico shouted back. 

"Like hurricanes!" Isaac yelled. "I think the wind's slowing down!"

"I feel it, too!" Will yelled. "But I don't think normal blizzards have eyes!"

Through the Ice ― Nico di Angelo & Will SolaceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora