"How long does this tournament last?" Palpatine asked, intrigued by the thought of so many young, impressionable Force-sensitive children gathered in one place.

"One week," Obi-Wan answered. "Once the Initiates take the floor, the Knights and Masters begin assessing their skills and talents and at the end of the tournament, any one of them may be chosen as a Padawan Learner."

The lift came to a stop and the three men exited.

"This way, Chancellor," Obi-Wan called, taking the lead with Palpatine in the middle and Anakin walking closely behind.

Jedi of all ages turned to stare at the Chancellor of the Republic as he walked through their home. The entire Temple had been informed by way of the internal comm system, as requested by Obi-Wan, that Chancellor Palpatine would be a guest within the Temple for the next few weeks, possibly months.

Obi-Wan led them down a long hallway and finally came to a stop at the end in front of a door. He turned to face Palpatine.

"These are to be your quarters for the duration of your stay, Chancellor," Obi-Wan told him. "There are holo-maps at the end of the hallway for you to consult should you like to familiarize yourself with this floor of the Temple. There is a gymnasium, several meditation gardens and a stellar-cartography laboratory for you to enjoy should you choose to do so."

Palpatine was truly overwhelmed. He'd never imagined he'd have such free access within the walls of the Jedi Temple.

"Thank you, Master Kenobi," he intoned lightly. "If it's alright, I'd like to get some rest before doing anything else. It's been a very trying day, to say the least."

"Of course," Obi-Wan stated easily. "However, since this is the Knights and Padawans level, you'll most likely want to engage the auditory dampeners to block out the noise. They are located on the wall panel you'll see directly to your left when you enter."

Palpatine pressed the door activation button and stepped inside when the door slid open. He spotted the panel easily and nodded. "Splendid."

He took in his surroundings and seemed pleased.

"Anakin and I are located just down the hall in room 211 if there is anything you need," Obi-Wan informed the older man. "You can use the comm to contact us."

Again, Palpatine thanked them both. "I shall contact you both once I am rested."


"Anything?" Obi-Wan asked as they entered the quarters they shared.

Anakin, who had been instructed to observe Palpatine using both the Force and his own senses, shook his head. "Only subtle shifts in his moods when something he liked, or didn't was mentioned."

"Such as?" he inquired.

Anakin sat down on the couch and sighed. "He seemed extremely...pleased when you mentioned that all of the Initiates would be together in one place for the tournament. It was the same feeling he had when you informed him that he could consult the maps and have free access to the entire floor."

Obi-Wan nodded. "So, he's intrigued with the freedom to move about we're extending him."

Anakin nodded.

"Good," commented Obi-wan. "We can use that to our advantage."

"Did Master Yoda agree with your decision to bring Chancellor Palpatine here?" Anakin asked. "Does he think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord?"

Obi-Wan shrugged. "Master Yoda approved my request; I don't think he totally agreed with me. As for what his opinion of Palpatine may be, I have no idea."

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