Don't leave

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Nat eyes wide open seeing his mother sitting on his bed touching his face
"What wrong mother?" Nat ask his mother worried seeing her tears fall
"Nat I'm sorry for slapping you" Queen say sad holding her son face
"I'm fine. I know you just worried for me" Nat say and smile
"Nat no matter what mother do you can't leave me okay. Your all I have, even the person I love would leave at any moment she got" Queen say and hug her son crying
"Why would anyone want to leave you mother? Your the strongest person I know. Even when I'm not your biological son you show me so much love. All I have done is make trouble for you. You could have left me but you didn't. I would never leave you mother" Nat say hugging his mother tight

"What if I ask you to give up on Max?" Queen ask her son and Nat look down
Nat look back up at his mother smiling
"I would give up. We're nothing to each other now" Nat say and feel his tears fall
Nat laugh wiping away his tears
"I don't know why my tears keep falling" Nat say wiping his tears more but the tears keep falling
Queen look at her son sad seeing him crying *Nat really love max. Then there only one way. I already captured the mother might as will also capture her son for Nat* Queen think and pat Nat head
"Nat I promise you won't have to give up on anything. Mother will make everything you want yours" Queen smile and hold Nat in her arm
Nat look at his mother confused

-scene change-

"Max are you still in contact with Nat" Max father ask
"No" Max say grabbing the gun pointing it at the tide up person
"Speak" Max say to the person and the person glare at him
Max shoot the person leg and scream can be heard from the person
"Now are you ready to speak?" Max ask and the guy shake his head making Max shoot another leg
"If you don't speak we will give you the most painful death. I'll make you wish you were never born" Max say putting the gun inside the guy mouth
The guy move around scared putting his hand up
Max take the gun out and drop it to the floor
"Your mother is still alive" the guy say and Max look at his father shock
"What do you mean my mother is still alive?" Max ask confused grabbing the guy neck

"Queen and your mother were lovers. When Moon choose your father over Queen it make her angry because Moon love her but decides to be with your father. She kidnapped her and make it seem like your mother was dead" the guy say and Max look at his father
"Did you know about this father?" Max ask his father
"I did not. On our wedding day Queen come as her best friend. I didn't know they had that type of relationship. Moon might have never wanted this marriage but because of our parents we got married" Max father say
Max look at the guy
"Where are they?" Max ask
"I don't know. Queen have many places and I only been to one. I just saw her once with your mother" the guy say
"Father where did you get the information that Queen wanted our money and that why she killed mother" Max ask his father
"I hear from one of Queen workers when I went to visit Queen at her office" Max father say
"Max why don't you get connected with Nat and have him help you" Max father ask
"I'll try to get in contact with him" Max look down sad *Should I tell Nat what going on?* Max thinks and take out his phone

-scene change-

[Nat can we meet up? I have something important to say to you]
Nat look at his phone shock seeing Max text him
[Where?] Nat text back
[Our place from before] Max text back and Nat get ready walking down stairs
"Nat where are you going?" Nat mother ask him
"I'm going to go shopping a little" Nat say and smile
"Do you need money?" Queen ask and Nat shake his head
"I'll be fine. I have enough" Nat say and Queen nod smiling
Nat walk outside and get out his bike

-time skip-

Nat knock on the door and see the door open
"Come in" Max say and Nat nod walking in
They walk to the living room together and sit down
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Nat ask and smile at Max
Max take out his phone and show Nat a picture of his mother
"Moon?" Nat say confuse seeing Moon picture in Max phone
"This is my mother" Max say and Nat eyes widen
"How can that be?" Nat ask confused
"What do you mean?" Max ask Nat
"She my mother wife. She say so herself" Nat say
"She also my mother. They were lovers. My mother decides to marry my father and your mother got mad because she still love my mother" Max say

Max then reach out his hand and hold Nat hand
"Nat help me find my mother" Max say and Nat look at Max eyes
"Nat what your mother is doing is against the law. They label my mother as dead when she was with queen being held hostage" Max say serious
"What will happen to my mother?" Nat say taking his hand away from Max
"I know you don't want your mother to get hurt and I also don't want my mother to get hurt but I want my mother back" Max say sad
"I'll help you" Nat say and Max smile
"But I don't want anything to happen to my mother. After your mother is out of that place let break all ties with each other" Nat say standing up

Max stand up taking Nat hand
"What about us?" Max ask sad
"Everything between our family and us will be over" Nat say and Max hug Nat
"I don't want that Nat" Max say tearing up
Nat push Max away a little stopping the hug "Max do you think everything will work out? My mother hate you and your father. Your mother hate me. We can never be a happy family" Nat say
"I still want us to be together" Max say and one of his tear fall
"Between me and your mother who would you choose?" Nat ask Max and Max couldn't answer
"Between you and my mother I would choose my mother Max" Nat say walking away from Max

That the end of this part❤️ thank you for reading❤️

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