Prologue: Work to Die

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"Why work yourself to death if you work for a living?" Cuz' I'm born to work that's why.

Senchi: "Thank you for coming, please come back soon"

Not that I'm a work slave, not that I need money or anything.

Senchi: "Patty done in 20 seconds! Get those buns toasted!"

I can't say that I enjoy working this much, I'm not masochistic enough to torture myself through all these work load.

Senchi: "Please pay attention! These type of trick questions can screw you up in exams pretty good!"

I do these part time jobs is because...

Asshole Assistant Manager: "I don't care how many jobs you take but since you're late even for a minute you are still technically late. You're fired!"

... I guess I'm too good for them.

News: "A local restaurant closes down after a significant amount of customers complaints of the sudden food, hygiene and service deterioration"

"If not you, then who?" A person I respected and looked up to a lot once told me... if you don't take the job, whose gonna?

Senchi: "No thanks, I got part time"

I am fully capable, so why not?

Senchi: "Sorry, part time"

I've got no problems, whatsoever.

Childhood friend: "It's always part time part time part time! I just want to walk back together once! Why can't I even have that! Why can't you get my feeling!"

No problem, whatsoever...

Doctor: "Sir, I suggest you take a rest, at least have 8 hours of sleep. I can't guarantee you will be this lucky if you collapse again"

No problem...

??: "H-hey! It's still red light!"



I might have problem...

Senchi: "Is this what heaven looks like?"

The problem I'm having, is I have no idea what is going on right now. Am I dead? But I don't feel like I'm dead. I'm floating in this weird purple dimension... with creepy eyes staring at me.

Senchi: "More like hell to me..."

??: "Well I'm sorry that the environment inside the gap isn't up to your expectation"

A woman's voice answered with a sarcastic tone.

Senchi: "So what is this then... and who are you?"

??: "Come on, you should know the developments after getting hit by a truck"

One of my colleague showed me some Anime and Manga when we were on break, so I have a fair knowledge of the thing call isekai. And I believe this is the development of getting isekai.

Senchi: "So am I going to another world?"

??: "I actually thought you wouldn't know things like this, since you're a miserable workaholic who only knows about work"

Senchi: "I maybe a workaholic, but I have a fair knowledge of cultures and entertainments"

??: "I see, you have traits of a normal human being after all"

She's implying that I'm not a normal human being in general...

Senchi: "Well I am a normal human being thank you very much"

Part Timing in Gensokyo Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon