Chapter 2 The Burn

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🎶Some Time Later 🎶

I groaned as my alarm went off and by alarm I mean Sam. Sam was a giant moose of a man with dazzling hazel eyes and the annoying habit of being healthy. This included but was not limited to running at 4am in the morning til 6am where he promptly slams the motel door shut, practically shaking the walls while me and Dean were peacefully sleeping.

"Morning sunshine" he snickers after hearing my discomfort. He smiled walking over to kiss me on the forehead in a way only an older brother would before I push him away. He looks at me with hurt in his eyes as I shift to face him and respond.

"You stink" I croaked throwing the covers off and running to the bathroom just barely beating him (at human speed) to possibly the only warm shower to be had in this cheap motel. I cackled in triumph over my small victory turning on the shower and quickly jumping in as he pounded on the door yelling something about giving me a big stinky hug after I get out.

I hummed a tune, taking a bit of time to relish in the searing water as it ran down my back, almost like it washed away my sorrows. Sam was still complaining behind the closed door before something was thrown at the door that sounded like a pillow, I assumed we woke Dean up and giggled upon hearing the two bicker like two old ladies.

It had been less than 3 years since I had left home and joined forces with the Winchesters, I still didn't tell them I was a vampire on account of the fact they'd probably kill me without a second thought. When I met Dean that night we talked for hours and I told him my extensive knowledge of hunters and the supernatural came from the fact that I had dated a hunter who had let me join him on a few hunts. He bought it and let me hang around on seldom occasion until he fully trusted me, in which then he allowed me to stay with them at their secret bunker that took me ages to get use to.

Phone service was always wonky and the rooms were in desperate need of a woman's touch or so I told them... "It was crying out to me saying 'help Melody I'm so boring'" I told them cheekily as they stared on in a mixture of shock and horror at the neatly decorated with new throw pillows and a very stylish run. "Um Mel it's very nice but I don't think it was that bad to begin with," Sam started off sweetly careful not to enact some unwanted emotional outburst...

"It's too girly for our place Mel. You can you put it in your room just not out here" Dean finished. I gave a small nod and when they left to get groceries I took the liberty to use my vampire speed and quickly place everything neatly in my room. So much for a woman's touch...

We were currently in Virginia near Mystic Falls on a particularly odd case.
Victims were being found all across town on what looked like sacrificial alters with strange and intricate tattoos that family and friends say they didn't have before all over their body's and had flowers around them when they were found.

This wasn't like anything we had done before and at first I said it was just some psychopath but Sam had said the vic's had tribal markings on them and after some many days in the morgue the bodies would disappear leaving behind random things like ash, hair, blood or jewelry that should have been put in evidence.

Unfortunately this case was a couple miles away from Mystic Falls and I wondered if someone there had something to do with it. I debated contacting Damon or Steph to see what they though but decided that it ultimately wasn't worth the risk.

If they knew I was here they might want to come and help, then I'd have to explain to the Winchester's and it would be a cluster you know what. It was hard enough keeping them away from Mystic after they found cases there of dead victims with puncture wounds and people mysteriously dropping there entire lives and leaving.

They'd confront me to ask my opinion and I would laugh it off, saying the new papers didn't have anything better to write or burn the papers once they were alone just so they couldn't read more details.

I realize my mind wandered off again and I shiver under the now freezing water. I get out and brush my teeth before I put my long black hair in a high pony tail and pull on a pair of black high waisted jeans, a blue tank top depicting a dream catcher on it, my combat boots and a black leather jacket which I was told is mandatory for hunting monsters.

As I walk out into our room I quickly dodged an on coming moose and ran straight into Cas our friendly neighborhood angel. I gasped as he smiles down at me, "Good morning Melody." He says as his piercing blue eyes meet mine. I look away quickly as I blush, yeah I may have a tiny crush on him so what? "Morning" I finally mumble still averting eye contact as I walk past to grab a coffee sitting on the table where Dean was typing away on a computer.

As I look over his shoulder I see today's headline depicting another mysterious body that had disappeared from the morgue, this time ash was left. "They say the body's keep being found in old abandoned factories around the town, all in a different one each time." He mutters as he keeps scrolling.

"How many factories are left in town?"I ask sipping my coffee, trying to ignore my instinctual craving for blood, I really needed to go in the forest and find a bunny to munch on sometime today. "Four" he said looking up at me with a smirk. "Well boys looks like we're catching a killer today." I smirk back.

It was settled we'd each head to a different factory, sniff around and if any trouble came up to pray for Cas and the other two would meet up afterward, if Cas was in trouble then we'd know when we all met up at a certain diner in an hour.

As I snooped around without a gun, thinking I wouldn't really need one as much as Sam and Dean, I noticed one of the rooms was completely sealed shut. I went over to pry it open with my vampiric strength and just as I was about to pop it open an extremely searing pain exploded from my abdomen.

I choked back a scream as I looked down to see a giant stake dripping in my fresh blood. I stumbled towards the wall for balance but started growing faint due to barley living off enough blood to keep me alive. As I grew weaker and the edges of my vision began to fade all I could think was....
who the hell knew I was a vampire?

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