Chapter Eleven; Feelings For Each Other.

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Feelings happen when we least expect them.

Maya's Pov.

I left the ice cream place running all the way home

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I left the ice cream place running all the way home. Thankfully, mum and dad weren't home. I couldn't stop my tears from falling.

I kissed him even though I shouldn't have done that. I immediately took a shower to calm myself down.

I knew that we still have to talk about the kiss even if it will be awkward for the both of us.

Touching my lips and smiling to myself. I stopped knowing that what I did was wrong.

He is my best friend and whatever we have cant amount to anything.

Thankfully it's the weekend and I don't have to see him until Monday.

I have the baby doll for our project. She is laying on my bed. I looked outside the window to find the rain stop.

Does he feel the same way?

Or will I get heartbroken?

What does falling in love feel like? I wanted to ask Jade but knowing my sister, she wouldn't have a clue what it is.

Why am I feeling like this whenever Rocco is around? I don't want to feel like this anymore. Ever since that kiss, I haven't stopped thinking about him even though I know that I shouldn't.

I know that I had betrayed my father's trust by not doing anything to hurt him but I did.

I kissed Rocco and I think I have fallen in love with him. Our relationship is a friendship one, not a romantic one.

What am I supposed to do?

Avoiding him isn't an option because we still have a lot of classes together. I don't even have my diary with me, I still have his and he has mine.

We made a pact to read them but I still haven't opened them yet. I looked out my window only to see him with a girl.

I could feel my heart breaking from what I have witnessed. Dad was right.

We shouldn't have hung out. If I had listened to my father none of this would have happened to me.

Rocco might not even feel the same way about me and that's okay because I will push my emotions and feelings aside for my sake and my father's.

I take out his diary from my drawer and decided to read it even if its just one page.

I was amazed at what I read. He wrote how much he wanted to find me.

Rocco's Pov.

Why does this have to happen to us, MayMay? I finally found you and now I get to lose you again

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Why does this have to happen to us, MayMay? I finally found you and now I get to lose you again.


Because I kissed you. I let my feelings get in the way of everything that I didn't want to happen.

But the heart wants what it wants and my heart wants her.

I am in my room trying to get her out of my mind and heart by using Rose but all I want is her.

I turned to face the window while Rose was sitting beside me. I could see her face.

Her eyes filled with tears falling down her face. 

I hurt her.

"You love her. Then what I am doing here?", she asks me.

I looked at her with a confused look.

"You love her yet you are trying to make her hate you, why? Just tell her how you feel....."

"It's not that easy. Many things keep us apart. Things that are beyond our control. We can't be more than friends", I tell Rose who just shook her head.

"I am not going to be the one to break her heart for you. She loves you just like you love her", she says gathering her things. "I can't do this. I am sorry Roc", she added.

I knew that Rose was right about Maya but I needed to confirm it first.

"Rose, I am sorry for all of this....."

"No need to say sorry to me. You go and apologize to her. I will see you around", she says leaving me to myself.

I looked at her window only to see it locked. I need to talk to her.

Even if it's to deny what I feel for her. It has been a day since that kiss happened.

I knew that she might be home alone while her parents went to visit her granddad. I decided that it was best to see her now rather than later.

I needed to see her. I ran down the stairs and out of the door not even bothering to close the door.

"Rocco, shut the door", I could hear Reece shout but I didn't turn back to close the door.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. When she opened the door I pulled her in my arms not wanting to let go.

"What's wrong?", she asked me.

"I just need your hug, that's all", I tell her continuing to hug her. I could feel her smile on my chest.

"Okay, that's enough hugs. What are you doing here?", she asks letting me in.

"I came to see you and ......."

"What about your date? Did you ditch her to come here? Roc, come on. Go and say sorry to her, now", she says narrowing her eyes.

"MayMay, there's no date. I...Rose and I..."

"You don't need to explain. It is not like we are a couple right?", she says to me.

I could feel my heart cracking when she said those words. Her smile looked fake, forced. I could see eye bags on her face.

I am sorry I hurt you, MayMay. I promise that I will make it up to you.

"Yeah, so what are you doing?", I asked her.

"I was about to feed Alfie and then eat the chocolate cake that Jade left in the fridge. Why?", she explains to me.

"How about we eat the cake together? And when she comes home we will get in trouble together", I tell her knowing that Jade dislikes people eating her desserts without her.

"I like your idea better. Okay, let me feed Alfie and then I will go and get the cake", she says getting up to go and give her cat his food.

This is what I want. MayMay back even if just as friends. I promise you that I will do the right thing for you.

 I promise you that I will do the right thing for you

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