Chapter 26 - Final

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"Okay 25 pirates with leader being George Batroc. Hostages in the galley. Tony and I will sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat and Clint you both kill the engine and wait for instruction. Andie and Bucky you get the hostages out. Sharon you have a change of plan, you are to go with Bucky and Andie. Once the hostages are secure with Bucky, Andie will take you to get the info Fury asked you to retrieve." Steve explained and I glared at him. Once we all split up having our orders I looked at Steve.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked as he put on his helmet.

"Language princess and yes, I'm sorry but she will be safe with you. You know the mission is more important than your hatred." Steve said and I raised my eyebrows are him.

"You sure?" I asked and he smiled. He leaned in and passionately kissed me. Once we broke apart he then saw I was wearing my locket. He smiled knowing his picture was still in there but one of the kids was now too.

"No more after this?" Steve whispered and I nodded.

"No more." I said and he kissed me again.

"See you when this is over." Steve said and I nodded

"Approaching drop zone." Tony said as the door on the jet opened.

"Love you princess." Steve said and jumped out of the jet.

"Wait...was he wearing a parachute?!" I asked and Nat laughed.

"You know he wasn't." Nat said and I groaned.

"I'm going to kill him." I said as Nat helped me get my chute on. As the rest of us jumped out of the plane as I reached the deck I saw someone holding a gun to Steve's head. I grabbed my gun and shot the guy on my way down. Once I landed Steve looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks princess." Steve said and I nodded getting out of my parachute.

"What would you do without me iceman?" I asked as Tony approached us.

"Everyone to their positions." Tony said and I nodded. I gave Steve a quick kiss and looked at Bucky and Sharon.

"Stay behind Bucky and I." I said and she nodded. As everyone did they job Bucky and I were able to get the hostages out and he started taking them to the safety boats. I looked at him.

"I'll take Sharon, you go." I said and he grabbed my hand as I went to walk away.

"Be safe." Bucky said and I nodded and kissed his cheek. I looked at Sharon.

"Let's go." I said and she nodded as we headed to a room where tons of computer were. We both walked in and she started doing what she needed to do. As she was working the door busted down and Steve was knocking out a big guy I know was Batroc.

"Ladies." He said and I rolled eyes.

"You should secure him Captain." I said and he shook his head.

"He is out. You almost done?" Steve said and asked Sharon.

"Almost Captain, Fury wanted everything." Sharon said. Before I could even answer I noticed Batroc getting up.

"Steve!" I yelled. Before anyone could react he pulled a gun and shot Sharon in the head killing her instantly. I pulled the flash drive out that she was getting the info on. I saw Batroc throw a grenade in the room. Steve and I ran to the door and I pushed him out ahead of me. As I was leaving the room the grenade went off throwing me forward across the hall into a wall and having debris hit me and cover me.

"ANDIE!" Steve yelled as I blacked out. I woke back up and we were on the jet, I was laying on the floor as Steve was holding my hand. I also noticed I was hooked up to some kind of machine and JARVIS, Tony AI system, was listing off all of my injuries.

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