Chapter 12

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I was sitting in the lobby with Nick's secretary as Steve talked to Nick in his office. I was scrolling through my phone bored...Steve was right...I would never tell him though. As I was sitting there a guy walked in the room and to Fury's secretary.

"Is he busy?" He asked pointing to Fury's close door.

"I'm sorry Secretary Pierce but he is. After the meeting he is in, he has one more then he is free the rest of the day." She said and Pierce looked at me.

"You wouldn't mind me stepping in to talk to him before you would you?" The man asked me and I sighed.

"I'm not in town long and this meeting has been coming for a while, I'm sorry but I do mind." I said and I could tell I pissed him off.

"Alright...let Nick know I need to see him." The man said and walked out. I watched him leave. I looked at Fury's secretary and she smiled at me since I stood up to him. I went back to scrolling on my phone when I got a text.

>Hey are you still in Washington?< Nat asked.

>Yeah, Fury needed to see Steve.< I sent.

>You may want to come home as soon as you can.< Nat said.

>Everything okay?< I asked concerned.

>Your niece or nephew is on the way.< Nat said. I knew Laura never knew the sex of the baby, only I did because I saw it on the screen when Laura looked away but I never said.

>Laura's in labor? Okay, um...I will be there as soon as I can.< I said and stood up looking at the secretary. I knew she would never let go in the office if I warned her.

"I was wondering where I could get a cup of coffee?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I will be more than happy to go get that for you." She said and got up.

"Cream in it please." I said and she walked away. Once I made sure she was gone I knocked and opened Fury's office door before anyone could say anything.

"Hey, I'm sorry to barge in...."I said and they both looked at me.

"Andie...?" Steve asked.
"I need to get back Laura is having the baby." I said and Steve smiled and I swore I saw Fury give a slight smirk.

"Okay well we are done here for now. Ms. Morse we can meet up again. Get home to your family and new baby." Fury said and I smiled. Steve stood up and walked over to me.

"Oh, to get in I may have sent your secretary to get me coffee..." I said and Fury laughed.

"I'll handle it." Fury said as Steve walked over to me and took my hand.

"Let's get out of here." Steve said and I nodded. Fury noticed Steve holding my hand but didn't say anything.

"Okay, let's go I have a baby to meet." I saidand we left quickly.


Once we arrived back home we had the car take us directly to the hospital and we rushed in. I saw everyone sitting in the waiting room in labor and delivery.

"Did I miss it?!" I asked and before anyone could answer Clint came running out and saw me.

"You coming back? Laura wants you in in there." Clint said and I smiled. I looked at Steve.
"Go." Steve said quickly kissed my hand and I rushed back to the delivery room with Clint.


"So how was Washington?" Nat asked as Tony and Bruce listened in. Nat was sitting with Cooper and Lila. Steve looked at Nat and she was smiling.

"Don't Nat." Steve said and she sighed.

"You didn't do it did you?" Nat asked.

"Do what?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, do what?" Tony asked.

"As I was about to ask Andie to be with me and be my girlfriend Fury called for the meeting. I told her we would discuss it later. I figured on the plane ride home but she was just concerned on getting here on time so we didn't discuss it then either." Steve explained.

"But you were holding hands and kissed it when you got here..." Nat said and Steve sighed.

"I have been holding her hand since about halfway through the museum. That was the second time I kissed it as well." Steve said and Nat smiled as did Tony.

"So, when are you going to talk to her?" Tony asked and Steve shrugged.

"I don't know...eventually." Steve said and Nat sighed.


*****NORMAL POV*****

A little will later I was walking out to the waiting room and saw everyone including Fury sitting there and I smiled.

"We have a baby boy." I said smiling at everyone and Nat smiled shaking her head at me.

"Which you already knew." Nat said and I nodded.

"I did but I let them be surprised." I said. Nat came over and hugged me then Steve did.

"When can I go back?" Nat asked.

"Now, they want to see you and I together first though." I said and Nat nodded. I looked at Steve and he placed a hand on my cheek.

"You staying?" I asked and he nodded

"I'm not going anywhere." Steve said and I smiled at him. Nat linked her arm in mine, I looked at her.

"Let's get back there." Nat said and we went walking away to the back where Laura was laying in the bed and Clint was beside her. He saw us walk in and smiled.

"Why did you want to see us before the kids?" I asked and Clint smiled at Laura and she smiled.

"We thought you two would want to know the name we decided on it." Clint said and we stood there.

" going to keep us in suspense?" I asked and they laughed. Clint took the baby from Laura and handed him to me.

"We would like you to meet Nathanial Andrew Barton." Laura said and we both whipped our heads up to look at them.

"What?!" I asked in shock.

"He is named after the both of you. We love you both so much and when we started discussing names we said boy or girl we knew we wanted to honor the both of you." Laura said and I smiled at the two of them and then down at the baby.

"Hey baby Nate. Oh this will be confusing...Nate and Nat...." I said and everyone laughed. I handed Nate off to Nat. She held him and smiled.

"Want me to go get the kids?" I asked and Clint nodded. I went to walk out.

"Oh and Fury is here." I said and Clint groaned.

"Steve and I were at his office when Nat told me about the baby." I said and Clint nodded. I walked out of the room and back to the waiting room. I saw Cooper and Lila smile seeing me.

"You want to meet your brother?" I asked and they nodded excited. I showed them where to go and they rushed to the room and I went back to the waiting room.

"So, what did they name him?" Bruce asked and I smiled.

"I don't know if I can say but I'm going to." I said and they all chuckled.

"Nathanial Andrew Barton." I said and they all smiled at me.

"After you and Nat." Tony said and I nodded.

"Yep." I said smiled. I looked at Fury and we walked off to the side.

"I told Clint you were here. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I wanted to have my conversation with you sooner rather than later and I don't let this get out but I love babies." Fury said and we laughed.

"Nick Fury such a sap." I said and he smiled. Clint arrived in the room.

"Hey daddy of 3." Tony said and we smiled.

"Who wants to come see my son?" Clint asked and we smiled. 

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