Chapter 4

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[Time] 3:12 PM Evening
[Day] Wednesday
[Location] Victoria
[Time Skipped] 1 week later




Finishing delivering items, Ember notice people in Victoria were a bit different than before when he arrived. Though, he ignores it knowing that it's not his business right now. Quickly, he dashes out of Victoria to head towards his next destination.

Running towards his ninth task of the day, everything was pretty normal a now of days. For the past week, the news died down and people were focus on what they're doing. There wasn't anything new ever since. Of course, Ember got to do more task than usual... due to his obsession doing missions a lot and doing it solo.

However, he couldn't help but feel something was off. Like someone was planning behind his back. He brushes it off knowing that he can't find out who and continues towards his destination for his last task. Seeing towards the location, Sargon.

Only a few hours of arriving there, Ember looks at Sargon before entering. It's been a while since I've visited this place. I wonder if there is anything new while I was gone. Ember thought about it as he walks down path and into the forest.

It was a quiet and peace forest as Ember walking through as the wind breezes by. He was enjoying the quiet as always. I'm glad it's quiet here. Ember thought as he sees a small river flowing downward. Oddy enough, there was no one he could've find. These makes him a bit cautious since he has not seen a single person while he was passing by in the forest.

Looking around throughout the woods, there was no one he could find. He thought that he was either lost or unlucky to find someone, but he then found something he didn't want to see.

There were damaged woods and trees when Ember approach to the deeper of the forest. At this moment, Ember knew something was up. He ran towards the direction where more and more damaged areas were at. Sooner or later, he was at the village where mass destruction happened. Everything was destroyed and broken down. the houses were on edge of collapsing, some of the roofs has holes or were missing, trees broken down like it was chop off or burned, damaged ground levels as well, and many more. Even corpses were laying everywhere as well.

Searching, hoping there was someone around, Ember kept on looking for anyone that is alive. So far, there were none. There was no one alive in the village. 

What happen? Who could've done this? Ember thought with many questions that are unanswered as he wonders around the village. Hoping to find clues and something. There was nothing he could've find. Nothing but destruction and quiet. Like it was a disaster appeared and then vanishes out of thin air. Nothing to look for until....

No... no no no no no....

There, was a person laying on at the side of a tree on the ground with blood flowing out of her abdomen and shoulders. There was also blow flowing a bit from the forehead. In front of the person was filled with dead bodies on the ground. Swords, shields, and more. From what Ember sees is something else that he fears. And that is the person dying in front of him.

One word....


Immediately, he rushes over there and checks for vitals and hoping she was alive. So many questions and things are clouded his mind for a while now. Although he has a lot that he needs to know, saving the person he cares is first. Specialty someone who took care of him when he was little to now.

Checking her vitals and breathing, she was still alive, but her pulse is getting weak. Knowing there wasn't time, he gently carries her up in a bridal style. Keeping her close to him, he burst out of the village fast using his abilities and skills and running towards to Rhodes Island knowing that there is someone there that can help. Of course, it only took a few seconds to one minute to arrive there pushing the limits of his arts.

The Lone OC Operator (Arknights) DiscontinuedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon