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My date with Mr. Ryan was in about an hour. I was so excited to see him. Was tonight the night I would lose my anal-virginity to an actual, non-rubber penis? After my heart and kiss text to him on Sunday, he had immediately responded back that he had been thinking about me, and said he wanted to meet the following Friday night. He told me to wear what he had bought me before, but to not expect to wear the same thing home. I wasn't sure if he had something for me to wear, or if he intended to take me shopping again. It wasn't my business what his intentions were, so I didn't worry myself. My role was full compliance with his wishes and his pleasures.

The week had gone so slowly, as I anticipated my date, even though I really enjoyed now working every morning as Ms. Peterson's maid. I was dressed, made up, and ready to go each morning at 9 AM. It was funny to me after all this time, to be wearing fishnet pantyhose, since my legs had been adorned in mostly sheer pantyhose 23ish hours a day for the past several months. So weird was the feeling, that I put on a pair of ultra-sheer nude pantyhose underneath the fishnets, which Ms. Peterson allowed.

Ms. Peterson insisted that I wore the snug, and very stimulating large butt plug while working each day. It had arrived in the mail on Monday, and she immediately downloaded the app to use it as more of a training tool than a stimulus for me. She trained me to respond to different vibration codes. In all there were about 10 different buzz patterns so far for basic task commends such as bring me tea, get the package off the front porch, don't let the incoming dance students see you, re-clean the bathroom, etc. As examples, three short buzzes is come see me immediately; three short buzzes followed by one long buzz is come and please me. This one was used more frequently, which I loved! She would often leave the vibrator going while I was pleasing her, to ensure that I maintained the energy level she demanded. It was totally unnecessary, but I wasn't about to defy her wishes and authority.

On Wednesday, while picking up some towels in the washroom, I bent over in front of the mirror, still not used to, yet very excited about the weight and feeling of my C-cup breasts hanging down in front of me. To compensate for the change in center of balance in my body, I leaned too far back, pushing my buttplug right up against the doorknob on the washroom closet door. I grabbed the counter in front of me, and just let the doorknob push the plug hard into my ass. It reminded me a little of that first day with Hunter in his kitchen, and the feeling I have been craving since, and it gave me an idea.

After my cleaning was completed for the day and Ms. Peterson was satisfied, both with my work and sexually, I asked, "Ms. Peterson. I had an idea for my apartment. Do you have one of those um, battery-screwdriver-gun-drill-thingies?" I fumbled this out, not remembering what the tool was called. I don't know why I didn't remember. I had used one countless times in the past for various reasons.

"You mean a cordless drill-driver, dear?" She replied, with a smirk.

"Yes! That!" I blurted out. "Do you have one I can borrow?"

"Well, I do have one Cheri but no, you can't borrow it." She said authoritatively. Then softening her tone, she explained, "A woman like you has no business using tools like that Cheri. You need to have someone else do whatever manual work is needed." Then after a pause, she continued, "There is a crew of able, and I'm sure eager, brawny men working on your mother's house down the street dear. Go doll yourself up and ask them to help you with your project."

I'm not sure why I didn't think of that. I did see a couple work trucks there every day making some repairs and improvements to sell my mother's house.

With a broad smile I thanked Ms. Peterson, gave her my obligatory curtsy, dismissed myself for the day, then dashed back to the apartment to change into something I thought would look pleasing to the workers and help them to agree to do this quick project for me.

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