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I was nervous about seeing Ms. Peterson, so afraid I had disappointed her by my lack of response to Mr. Ryan. I felt some relief from both of them when I sent gushingly apologetic texts to Mr. Ryan chocked full of emojis of hearts and kisses, and then screenshot the conversation to Ms. Peterson. Mr. Ryan was so generously kind in his response, and through our exchange it was evident that his comment about my "transition" lifted a huge load off of both of our shoulders. Ms. Peterson saw this exchange and simply replied by text with a thumbs up. Still though, at this point in my relationship with her, the thought of her being an ounce less than fully pleased, wretched in me.

I got up early to make sure that everything about my appearance was impeccable. After a much-needed session with my beautiful wall hung dildo, I put in the large vibrating buttplug, slipped on my satin, light pink maids bustier with the white tulle skirt, pink ruffle-back panties, ultrasheer nude backless pantyhose under the white fishnet stay-up stockings, pink lace fingerless gloves, the tiara, the pink patent four-inch heel Mary-Janes, and the jingle bell choker. I made certain that my makeup and hair were done perfectly, then walked across the deck to Ms. Petersons house, my heels click-clicking and my choker jingling with each step along the wood deck.

As had become routine on these special "awakening" days, I prepared Ms. Peterson's green tea with honey, then at exactly 8am quietly entered her bedroom, placed the tea on the bedstand and slowly opened the shades. She was as beautiful asleep as she was awake, positioned in the center of the bed with her beautiful long blonde hair flowing down the sides of her light grey silk pillows. Hints of the lace trim and the spaghetti straps of her seafoam blue nightie showed above the light grey silk sheets. The subtle flood of light into the room and the gentle fwapping of the shades as I carefully opened them usually woke Ms. Peterson, and today was no exception.

She squinted into the light coming through the window, then without looking, reached to the bedstand to retrieve her tea, knowing it would be there for her.

When she acknowledged me visually, I offered a deep curtsey and a soft, "Good Morning Ma'am."

Ms. Peterson sat up in the bed, sipping her tea. I stood compliantly near the foot of the bed, hands clasped together in front of me and eyes cast down to the floor, awaiting instructions.

"Come and pleasure me, Cheri." Ms. Peterson said, holding out the half empty tea cup for me to place back on the bedstand.

"Yes Ma'am. As you wish, Ma'am. Thank you." I replied excitedly, yet still nervous that she was cross with me. I was so badly hoping it would go this way. I slowly moved the sheets down the bed and starting at her toes, gave gentle wet kisses up Ms. Peterson's legs with my soft, plump lips.

Ms. Peterson slid back down on her pillow, tilted her head back and closed her eyes pleasurably.

I loved pleasing Ms. Peterson in this way, and particularly in the morning. She was so warm and cozy from the night, and I felt particularly secure and comforted starting the day this way. Sometimes too, if she hadn't been up to pee, I would get a bonus with a little bit of her "golden goddess juice", as she called it, when she orgasmed.

After three delicious orgasms, and a bounty of her golden goddess juice, all of which I expertly captured and swallowed, keeping her bed sheets free of blemishes, Ms. Peterson dismissed me to go freshen up, then receive the day's instructions.

When I returned from the washroom with my hair, makeup, and uniform all straightened up and proper again, Ms. Peterson was sitting back up in bed and scrolling through a tablet. I approached the foot of the bed, curtsied, and stood with my hands clasped and eyes cast downward.

"Cheri, come here. I want to show you something that I developed for your future events." Ms. Peterson said, patting the side of the bed suggesting that I come sit next to her.

CHERILICIOUS SWEETTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon