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"Alright Missy. Are you ready for this? I shouldn't have to say this but remember that you'll need to stay in character for the duration of the party. Is that understood young lady?"

Groan. "Yes. Ms. Peterson."

"Good. This party is much larger than the last time. I just hope you remember everything I have been teaching you at your princess lessons this week. Now, before you go out there, recite your line." Ms. Peterson insisted.

"Ms. Peterson, I remember it fine. I don't need to-"

"I SAID recite your line!?!?"

"My name is Cinderella and I am the prettiest princess in all the land. I love being girly and wearing dresses! I just hope I can find my Prince Charming!"

"That was decent, but really try and make it as girly as possible when you do it in front of the guests, and always be smiling dear."

"Also remember, there is a big dance later, and I expect you to dance with as many male guests as possible. I of course will be watching. Oh, and I wasn't going to mention this, but there were a few young men at the last party asking if you were single. Maybe I'll have to set you up on a date with some of them." She said with her devilish smirk, and then opened the door and nudged me out into the waiting crowd of little girls, parents, and siblings.

Fully dressed now, with my satin blue ball gown and tulle petticoat, my above-the-elbow white satin gloves, satin blue choker, rhinestone tiara holding up the hair extension, bra and breastforms, powder blue panties, white pantyhose, and clear 4-inch peep-toe heels, I floated out of the changing room into the party with a broad smile, to greet the birthday girl. Scanning the crowd, I saw some of the same faces from the first party, but there were so many more people this time.

I held the hand of the birthday girl and we danced around the room as people shot photos and video, streaming them to the world. I could hear husbands asking their wives, "She's the same girl from last week? Wow!" To which I would turn my eyes to them, as I had been taught, and give a flirtatious smile, and continue on around "reading the room". There must have been 60 people in this reception hall and unlike the last party, there were several siblings around my age.

After singing a few princess songs, cutting and handing out cake, and playing with the girls, Ms. Peterson called me over. "You're doing well Princess. I am definitely noticing some progress from our lessons this week." She commended. Just then a DJ opened up on stage, introduced himself, and started into some dance music.

"That's your cue, dear." Ms. Peterson said to me. "Remember, I want to see you dancing with guests. Oh, and while you're out there, keep an eye on the fringe at who might be tapping their feet and watching you, and get them out there to dance. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Ms. Peterson."

"Good girl. Go now."

I drifted out onto the dance floor and danced with the group of little girls, who were really more running around than dancing. I then floated over to an elderly man, maybe in his 70's who actually danced divinely. He did a lot of twirly-whirlies, spinning and dipping me, and had a good beat for an old guy, and he really knew how to lead. He then passed me off onto his grandson, a boy my age, who didn't know much about dancing, but seemed to be having a good time. Then his friend came over and rubbed butts with mine. He and the grandson then sandwiched me in and they were both rubbing up against me for a few beats. Instinctively I had my hand gently on his chest during this brief grinding. I was then swept away by a father, who had obviously had some ballroom dancing experience, and spun me around in ways that made my dress flair out, like I had never seen. I noticed the little girls in one of my spins, watching me in awe, and replicating the spin with their dresses flaring out. When the song ended, the father bowed, to which I responded with a polite curtsy. Part of our training this week was to always curtsy. I had been trained to delicately pinch each side of my dress with my middle finger and thumb, and delicately lift them as I dipped, bowing my head down and to the side, yet maintaining eye contact, and of course always smiling.

CHERILICIOUS SWEETOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora