"What?" I looked at him. 

"Nothing Mrs. Jonas." He winks at me and then goes to the bathroom. I called for the boys and they answered with yeses. 

"Why don't we pause the movie first so we could go clean you up after daddy." I said. 

"Okay." I sat down on the sofa and looked for the remote. 

"Mommy daddy looked so worried today." Gavin says laying his head on my lap. Adrian came up on the sofa and cuddled up next to me. 

"Why?" I stroked Adrian's cheek and he smiles softly. 

"I don't know." He says. I tap his nose and kiss his forehead. 

"I'm sure he's okay." I said. 

"Honeybunny?" Joe calls out. I turned around on the sofa and he was in his sleeping attire. 

"My new name is honeybunny?" I giggled lightly. 

"Yea. Come on who wants to shower first?" He asked the boys. 

"I do." Adrian jumps up and runs to his dad. I watched as Joe lifts him up into his arms and he smiles. 

"Okay soldier let's go." I hear them laugh. 

"Mommy?" Gavin says. I look down at him and he had this wondering face on. 

"Yes sweetie." I carry him in my arms. 

"How come we can't see Uncle Sebastian?" He looked at me and I held him tightly. 

"Gav your daddy and him are not close friends at the moment. You can't see him okay." I said. 

"When will they be friends again?" He asked. 

"I don't know." I smiled kissing his forehead. "Don't worry about it now." 

                               * * *

Gavin and Adrian were already dressed in their pjs lying on their stomachs watching the movie on our bed. Joe came in with the popcorn he ordered from room service and I sat against the head board. "Aw you started the movie already?" 

"Nope we're only on the trailers." I smiled he hands the boys a smaller bowl to share the popcorn and a bigger one for the both of us. 

"Daddy look!" Adrian turned around with popcorn up his nose. Joe starts to laugh and scrunched his face up pretending to be grossed out. We all started laughing and Joe takes the popcorn from Adrian's nose. He throws it by the garbage beside our bed. 

"That's gross." I laughed and Gavin crawls up to us and snuggled against me. Adrian stays where he was and the movie finally started. Joe was munching away on the popcorn and I just stared at him for a few minutes. My dream was resurfacing and I held Gavin close to me. He glances up quickly but returned his attention to the TV. 

The boys were all asleep by the time the movie ended. The popcorn was finished and all of them have snuggled together next to me. Joe was snoring lightly and Adrian was curled up in the crook of his arm. Gavin was hugging his brother and it was a cute moment. I got out of bed to take the bowls out before the uncooked kernels get on the sheets. As I walked out to the living room I see Joe's phone light go on. He received a text message and I went to go look at it. I put the bowls down. It was from an unknown number and I unlocked his phone to check it. 'I know where she is' I quickly deleted the message and put his phone down. That could have been Sebastian. I put my hand on my stomach because I thought I was going to be sick. I heard footsteps and hands touch my waist. "Gumdrop?" 

"Joe you woke up." I turned around and his hair was sticking up on the side he slept on. 

"I know when your not next to me." He kisses my cheek and I nestled my face in the crook of his neck. His arms comforted me and then I start to cry my tears staining his dark colored t-shirt. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pulls me at arms length to look at me. "Honeybunny what's wrong?" He kissed me and I pulled him over to the sofa. I can't take it anymore. I sat down and told him about my dream of Sebastian and him being shot. 

                                * * * 

Joe looks at me with concern as my eyes poured tears and he wipes them. "Joe I don't want any of that to happen." I jump on him for a hug and he quickly wraps his arms around me to steady me. 

"You know none of that will happen. I'll protect you till the end. I won't let him hurt you." He stares into my eyes and I see some angry calmness in them. I told him before the story not to get mad and he's trying to keep his word.

"I'm so scared Joe." I said and he strokes my back. 

"What about this..." He thinks for a moment. "we'll go back to LA on Friday. We'll spend sometime over there for now. My apartment will be big enough for all of us." 

"What about this business tour?" I asked 

"My brothers and management will understand." He wipes my eyes. "You and the kids are important right now. So much stress of traveling and then this. I need to keep an eye on all of you." He kisses my forehead. 

"It's your decision Joe." I lay my head against his chest.

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