They went to a small restaurant owned by the Aburame clan. The hostess clearly knew Shino, he whispered something to her and see nodded heading down a flight of stairs.

They sat down at one of the table, "My family owns this establishment, my clan makes a special kind of wine made from honey we collect from special bees we've bread. Using a special process of fermentation we observed from rare bugs in the water country, it makes a truly amazing flavor."

Rituji gaped, "that's quite impressive, but we would bugs need to ferment something?"

Shino grabbed the bottle the waitress brought, "they use it as a numbing agent on animals when they bite so that they are not noticed."

He poured some for everyone but Kurenai, causing Naruto to get confused, "do you not drink?"

Kurenai smiled and put a hand on her stomach, "actually I'm in the same boat as your wife. I can't drink and Asuma's even stopped smoking around me."

Naruto congratulated her and took a sip of the wine, "wow this stuff is great! The Aburame clan really knows its stuff. Thanks for the wine but I've got to go report to the Hokage. See you guys later," he leaned to Shino as he left, "Rituji's very nervous, just do your best to make her feel comfortable, you know show a little emotion."

Shino nodded and Naruto headed to meet Tsunade.

Naruto entered Tsunade's office to find her in a battle with the greatest enemy of Kage...paperwork. That was one of the few reasons Naruto was very glad he wasn't going to be a Kage, "hey Baachan, how are you."

A tick mark appeared on Tsunade's forehead, "not the time to be calling me that gaki."

Naruto could tell she wasn't kidding a decided to change the subject, "So Kurenai is having a baby, do you know the sex yet?"

Tsunade's didn't look up from her paperwork, "it's a girl, tested her yesterday." (The gender and name of the baby has never been told, but since Kishimoto has stated he was thinking it was going to be a girl, I'm making it a girl.)

Naruto thoughts drifted to his own children, they still didn't have a name for the boy yet. Just as he was about to fill Tsunade in on Mei a chunin burst through the door, "Lady Tsunade, Asuma, Shikamaru, and some other ninja's are being attacked at the gate. We think its Akatsuki!"

Naruto jumped up, "take me there, now!"

They ran out of the room while Tsunade got out her seat to tell Shizune to gather some reinforcements.

Naruto followed the chunin until they reached the gate, they were engaging a man with gray hair and a scythe, and a man with mask over his face with green eyes. Naruto recognized the two from Sasori's notes immediately, "guys back up, if Hidan hits you even once and gets your blood it's over. You can't kill him, he went through a chakra tainting ritual when he was younger that made him immortal. Lucky though it means he can't use chakra only taijutsu. The one with the mask is Kakuzu, he's a bounty hunter with five hearts, we've got to kill him gives times before he'll stay dead. He a ninjutsu master and he had a massive amount of ranged attack so stay sharp."

Hidan was pissed, "who the fuck is this shithead and how the fuck does he know every fucken thing we can do, I didn't tell anyone about my damn powers, did you fuck up Kakuzu cause I will kick your damn ass all they way across the fucken Leaf Village!"

"Oh, 9 swears in one sentence, it's a new record. Go Hidan!" A man who had appeared out of nowhere yelled, he was wearing an orange mask.

Kakuzu growled, "why did they send this idiot along?"

"Tobi is just being a good boy, don't be such a grumpy old man Kakazu. You should have fun like Tobi, we can eat cookies, play games..." Tobi ranted.

Hidan was seriously pissed off now, "Tobi either help us or shut the fuck up already!"

Naruto was confused, he'd never heard of this Tobi person from Jiraiya or Sasori's notes. Who was this guy, a new recruit?

Naruto was shook out of his thoughts by Shikamaru grumbling, "so we're facing two people who are almost immortal, troublesome. We need to keep our distance from Hidan while avoiding Kakuzu's long distance attack. Great, just great."

"I think I have a move that could take out Kakazu, but avoiding his attacks while making sure I lost absolutely no blood is nearly impossible." Naruto told them.

Asuma scowled, "this isn't good, they complement each other perfectly. It's an almost impenetrable defense. We have to separate them."

Shikamaru nodded, "easier said than done, if I can capture Hidan in my shadow possession I can lead him away from here while some more close combat guys help Naruto take care of Kakazu."

Naruto liked the sound of that, "then what are we waiting for, lets move."

Shikamaru gave one of his rare smiles "already did." Shikamaru burst in smoke to relieve one of the chunin had used a henge of home while the real Shikamaru snuck to a better area, Hidan was already caught.

Naruto grinned, "hell yeah, lets get wild!"

Naruto, Asuma and another chunin charged at Kakuzu while Hidan ran in the other direction, or so they thought. Hidan appeared out of nowhere making a slash at Naruto, "we were under a genjutsu, but who cast it and when? How did none of us notice?" Naruto wondered all too late. The blade came down and blood scattered across the grassy plain.

I'm an evil little writer!

Politics in the Mist «Completed»Where stories live. Discover now