Ao cringed, only a few men had been stupid enough to peep on Mei, and they ended up burns in the worst possible locations. Needless to say it wasn't pretty, "Can at least hold off till we get to the village?"

Mei frowned, "We'll see,"

Just as she spoke, the white hair pervert appeared, Mei immediately got into position to burn the Sannin to kingdom come, but he cut her off, "Look, I know you probably dislike me, but you can beat the crap outta me after I've told everything you need to know about your future husband."

Mei hesitated but nodded, a little surprised by his seriousness. Jiraiya handed her a large bag and began to speak, "In that bag is all of his father's scrolls and the Uzumaki scrolls on sealing and jutsu, mainly on wind since that's his element, also there's some water and fire scrolls in there, he has a slight affinatiny in each, also I've put all of the things he should be training on with the toads while I'm away. Finally, I've placed a booklet in there with all of my current knowledge on the Akatsuki in it,"

Mei was trying to take in everything she was being told, "wait father, I thought he was an orphan, and what's the Akatsuki?"

Jiraiya sighed, "the Akatsuki are an organization trying to obtain the tailed-beasts, for some unknown reason, we believe they may have had something to do with the situation with the last Mizukage, and as for his parents, that should be explained to you by Naruto, not me,"

Mei nodded, processing everything he had just told her, "So what's he like?"

Jiraiya smiled as he thought of his latest student, "He can come of a little brash and loud, but once you get to know him you can't help but love the kid. He'd do anything for his friends, and I've never seen the kid give up on anything the whole time I've know him, if he can't do something small he just moves on to something bigger. He's the most amazing kid I've ever seen, and you're lucky to be marrying him."

Mei smiled and rose her eyebrow slightly, "You really care about him, don't you?"

Jiraiya laughed, "I may be a super pervert, but when it comes to those I care about, I'd go to the ends of the earth for them, just like Naruto would," Jiraiya got a slight frown on his face, "If anyone asks we never had this conversation, I've got an image to uphold. Tell them I asked you to tell me how your first time with Naruto goes...actually that might be good for,"

He was cut off immediately by Mei, "I've only just decided not to melt your 'little friend', don't make me change my mind,"

"Forehead girl, what's all this about? What did you have to get all of us together for?" Ino asked.

"I too would like an explanation of your urgency," Shino said, emotionless as ever.

"Troublesome, I was really enjoying watching the clouds. I'm not going to be able to do that as much now that I'm a chunin you know." Shikamaru complained.

"Actually Shikamaru, that's part of the reason I called you guys here, Naruto made chunin too, but that's not even the half of it, you guys might wanna sit down for this." Sakura told them.

She had gathered all of the rookie nine and there sensei's, other than Naruto and Kakashi, also Team Guy and Iruka were there. All of them raised an eyebrow at what the girl was saying. A few of them smiled when they heard about Naruto making chunin, Lee of course praised Narutos 'power of youth'. Once she finished telling them about the marriage and the transfer the smiles faded. None of them really wanted to see Naruto go, Hinata was on the verge of tears.

Sakura decided to end the silence, "guys I need your help. I want to make Naruto's last month here as good as it can be."

Ino raised an eyebrow and looked at Sakura, "No offense forehead girl, but since when did you care about Naruto. I always thought you hated him?"

Sakura frowned and looked at the ground, "I never hated Naruto, to be honest his constant asking me out made me feel pretty, and all his encouragement actually made me believe I could become a real ninja. This might sound kinda selfish, but I want Naruto to remember me doing something other than hitting him."

Ino looked at her old friend and rival and smiled, "Alright, if it's that important to you, we'll help you. First off who do we have bringing this Mei girl over here?"

"When I asked lady Tsunade she said Jiraiya was going to get her," Sakura didn't get a chance to finish as Kurenai cut her off.

"WHAT! Lady Tsunade sent that pervert to go get her, no way, me and one of the girls well go see her and make sure Jiraiya didn't try anything on her," Kurenai yelled, she hated perverts, and while she respected Jiraiya, he was definitely a pervert, and was not to be trusted around a woman as far as she was concerned, "Hinata would you like to come along?"

Hinata quickly nodded, she want to meet the person who was stealing her Naruto. If she couldn't be the one to make him happy, she sure as hell would see to it Mei did, Mizukage or not. The others went to get everything else ready, Mei would be there in about 20 to 30 minutes, which wasn't much time, and they all had a few things they wanted to get ready for Naruto and his soon to be bride.

"What the fuck, that little shit is marrying that hot piece of ass, damn some people get all the fucken luck," Hidan, the immortal of the Akasutski whined. The Ten members of the Akatsuki were gathered to discuss the status of the in captured tailed-beasts.

"Wow, five curse words in one sentence, might be a new record for you," Deidara the art crazed explosives expert laughed.

"Actually, Hidan's record is 8 swear words in one sentence," Said a man who was wearing an orange mask.

Deidara scowled, "Tobi get out of here, you're not even an official member."

"But Tobi hasn't gotten a cookie," Tobi whined.

Konan, the blue haired second in command of the Akatsuki, reached in her cloak and handed him a cookie, "hear you go Tobi, now by a good boy and run off."

"Awesome, thanks Konan-chan" Tobi reapplied running out of the room.

"Man, I fell bad for whoever gets him as a partner," Deidara muttered.

"With his new relationship to the Mizukage, it would be best to wait to wait to go after him. I trust you all know your new assignments." The leader of the Akatsuki, know as Pain told them.

They all nodded, "Alright head out, you know what to do."

"Sorry about them sticking you with the pervert," Kerunai told the Mizukage. They had gotten to her about five minutes ago, they were set to reach the leaf in about ten minutes.

"It's ok, he actually wasn't too bad, for the most part anyway," Mei responded with a smile, she had ended up slapping Jiraiya once, but that was the worst of it.

Hinata, who had been silent up to this point, finally got the courage to speak, "You're going to make Naruto happy aren't you?" She asked quickly.

Mei was surprised at the question "Of course, why do you asked?"

Hinata looked down, "he's ver-ry important to m-me." She told her, she was starting to lose control of her stutter.

Mei smiled, starting to understand how she felt about the boy, "That's good, how about you tell me all about him on the rest of the way there?"

Hinata gave a small smile, she was more than happy to talk about Naruto. Mei listened happily learning more about her soon to be husband.

Naruto stood nervously at the gate, Mei was due to arrive at any moment, and several of his friends went out to grab him something, Ino had gotten him different clothes, as she refused for Naruto to meet Mei wearing so much orange. It was a simple long sleeve black shirt, his chunin vest, and black pants. Ino also sent Choji and Shikamaru to get flowers from her parents shop. Anko had came over when she heard about Naruto's marriage, she had come to like boy after the chunin exams, and gave him a black trench coat with the Uzumaki swirl on the back. Finally, Kiba gave him the fang of a past Inuzuka dog, a sign of major respect and a way to show everyone in the Mist he was backed by the Inuzuka clan, it was connect to a small chain around his neck. He was visibly sweating, Iruka put a hand on his shoulder and whispered to him, "Naruto relax, we're all right behind you. She's gonna love you just like we do, it'll go great." Naruto took a deep breath and looked out to see Mei walking up towards the gate...

Politics in the Mist «Completed»Where stories live. Discover now