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- That's good.

Baal said, still holding Sara. She did feel very guilty that she didn't trust Sara. Of course she wouldn't cheat on Baal. For years, Sara never betrayed her trust. Why would she think Sara would betray her just when Sara got everything?

- Your Excellency.

- Yes?

- Did Miko tell you what happened?

Baal curled her lip.

- Yes.

Then suddenly Sara pushed away.

- So you still needed someone to tell you that I didn't betray you?

- Sara, please. It's not like that.

A tear then ran down Sara's cheek.

- Really?

She clenched her fists. Baal tried to comfort her, and convince her too. But Sara wouldn't listen. Baal was literally crying now.

- Sara! Please! I beg you!

Sara just told her to go. Baal was even more heartbroken now. She warily went back to her palace, and sobbed on her bed.

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