Chapter 7 - Fighting With Flips

Start from the beginning

Ned snorted as Peter turned around to glare at the blonde.

"Today, my good friend, your gym teacher-" Steve pointed to the left, the opposite side of where Coach Wilson was standing "-will be conducting the Captain America Fitness Challenge." He did a salute before the screen transitioned into that displayed 'Station I: Sit-ups'.

"Thank you, Captain," Coach Wilson said in a false enthusiastic voice. "I'm pretty sure this guy's a war criminal now, but whatever. I have to show these videos. It's required by the state. Let's do it." He blew his whistle.

An array of activities was set up. There were chin-ups, climbing ropes, push-ups, sit-ups all scatted around the gym. Everybody had a partner. Everybody but MJ. She had her book while she did sit-ups. Peter was paired with Ned and Gwen was paired with Flash.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Flash asked with a smirk. Guess he thought he looked hot. He was wrong. He begun to climb the rope.

"No," Gwen simply replied, ready to leave him. Her arms were folded across her chest as she waited at the bottom of the rope.

"What's your type?" he grunted out from the middle of the rope. He was trying to impress her with his strength. He was failing, miserably.

"Not you."

"Do you want a boyfriend?"

That got her attention. She raised an eyebrow at him. "And who would you suggest?"

"Of course, it would be-"


Gwen tilted her head side to side in thought. She's not against the thought of having Spider-Man as her boyfriend. It would beat Matt that's for sure.

Peter looked at Ned with wide eyes. Everyone in the gym simultaneously dropped their assignments and stared at Peter. He hurriedly got up as Ned scrambled to follow him.

"No, I don't. No. I. . . I mean. . ." stuttered Peter.

"They're friends," Ned tried to supply.

Flash got down from the rope, sending a wink to Gwen who rolled her eyes. "Yeah, like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends," scoffed Flash. A few chuckles sounded through the gym.

"I've met him. Yeah. A couple times. But it's, um. . . through the Stark Internship. Mm-hmm," he tried to explain. He turned towards Ned, glaring. "Yeah, well, I'm not really supposed to talk about it," he said through gritted teeth.

"Well, that's awesome. Hey, you know what? Maybe you should invite him to Liz's party. Right?" smirked Flash. He turned around to send another wink to Gwen. "Of course, you're invited, Gwen." She rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Yeah, I'm having people over tonight. You're more than welcome to come." Liz shrugged with a gentle smile.

"H-Having a party?" Peter thought he was going to faint. Being invited to a party by his crush was something he had always wanted.

"Yeah, it's gonna be dope. You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man."

"Um. . ."

"It's okay," Liz came to his rescue. "I know Peter's way too busy for parties anyway, so. . ."

Flash sauntered over with a smirk adorning his face. "Come on. He'll be there right. Right, Parker?" taunted he.

The bell rung, saving Peter from any more embarrassment. Immediately, Gwen rushed over to Peter. "Okay, what on Earth was that?" she demanded. "You do realize that the whole point of having a secret identity is to keep it secret," Gwen said, glaring at them.

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