Episode 1: The Delra Region

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"The Delra Region. One of the many regions in the world of Pokemon, the wonders of its beauty is its historical discoveries. It's a place of  beautiful
nature and the region's history," The Narrator said as various scenes of the Delra region are shown, such as vast forests, sparkling oceans, beautiful ruins, museums, and of course, many kinds of Pokemon."It is a region known for its historical discoveries of ancient Pokemon and fossils and exploration."


"It was a beautiful cold night in Terracotta town," The narrator said as the scene changed to show a small town surrounded by trees tone made buildings until it zoned on a blue house with a grey roof. Inside the house was a sleeping yellow cat-looking Pokemon, multiple pictures, trophies, cases on the wall with badges. Then finally, a girl with long magenta hair tied up in a ponytail sitting on a red bed wearing Eevee pajamas looking at a medium-sized grey tv. "A tenth birthday is a happy and exciting milestone in one life because, after that day, their Pokemon journey begins complete with their first Pokemon partner. And this young girl Dakota is no different as her tenth birthday cane, and tomorrow she receives her Pokemon partner."

"Yes, tomorrow is finally the day I  begin my Pokemon journey!" Dakota cheered, raising her fist in the air as she turned up the T.V.

"My, someone sure is excited," A voice said.

Dakota turned to see a woman with shoulder-length magenta hair and lilac eyes. Ahe was wearing a blue nightgown and red slippers.

"Of course, mom, tomorrow is the day I get my partner Pokemon. Then I can start traveling around the region," Dakota said with a smile on her face. "I can't wait!" She cheered, looking at her voltorb alarm clock.

On the television, a voice is heard. "Good evening, Delra region. I'm your contest host Julian, and in four days, the Seaport City contest will be held!" A lady with short blonde hair and green eyes announced.

"Wow, a Pokemon contest didn't you use to enter them, mom?" She asked, looking at her mom.

"Ah yes, I did, but I also did gym battles. I only won two Pokemon leagues. I was better at contests more than gym battles," Her mother replied. "Anyway, enough chatting time for bed if you want to get a Pokemon tomorrow."

"Alright, I'm going to sleep after all tomorrow, the start of my journey to get gym badges to enter the Pokemon league. I love watching contests, but I don't think performing for me," Dakota sighed as she lay down on the bed, turning off the T.V.


"Dakota, not the only one about to start a new adventure as well. We now travel to the familiar town of Pallet, where a ten-year-old boy named Ash Ketchum and his partner Pokemon Pikachu live," The narrator as Ash was shown in the kitchen with his mother and Professor Oak.

"Tomorrow," His mother said.

"Yeah, when I'm going to be heading out of here," Ash said. "Delra region is up next, and this time, I will win the league! You know I still got my dream, and this is the next mom."

"I guess I'm not surprised," His mom said, walking out of the kitchen.

She came back with a brand new jacket and hat. "I knew you wanted to go on another journey as soon as you started telling me about the boy you met with a Pokemon from there. So I made you some new clothes."

"Thank mom."


"Ash, good luck on your Delra region journey."

"Well, if you're going to Delra," Professor Oak said. "I recommend you visit Professor Basswood."

"If you're going to leave tomorrow, you better eat pretty tonight."

Little do they know a certain Team trio Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet we're listening on the conversation upon the roof.

"You hear that?" Jessie asked.

"Loud and clear another twerp journey," James replied.

"Yeah, but do you know where the Delra Region is?" Meowth asked.

"We find out, and then we get there first," Jessie stated.


"Delra region, hello!" The trio cheered before taking off in their Meowth. (  The end of Pokemon Black and White version)


Ash and Pikachu are seen lying in bed.

"I can't get to sleep," Ash groaned.

"Pikachu," Pikachu said, rubbing his eyes.

"I wonder what it's like in Delra and what other Pokemon are there. I know that Pawferno was pretty cool," Ash said, thinking about the tall fire-type Pokemon he saw that seemed so powerful.


"I must be a little bit closer to being a Pokemon master. We have to keep getting stronger," Ash said, falling asleep.


The following day Ash and Pikachu are seen at the harbor, saying goodbye to his mother and Professor Oak.

"Bye, mom and Professor!" Ash said as he ran over to get on board a red and blue ship setting sail to the Delra.

"Well, Ash is set off on another adventure," Professor Oak said.

"And that's just how boys should be."

"And so as Ash says farewell to the Kanto region and set sail for the Delra region. Where new Pokemon and adventures wait," The Narrator said as the boat sailed away from the harbor for the Delra region.

To be continued...

I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Pokemon Dusk and Dawn. At first, I wasn't going to show Ash until the next episode but decided to give him an appearance. This story will be style more like anime than a game. Let me know what you think of the story so far.

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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