The accomplice

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Loki did not understand what was going on. One night, Theoric was flesh and blood, ready to be butchered, and three days later, he was some creature made of clay, invincible, as not really existing at all. He was not truly alive anymore. Sure, the creature taking his place looked like him, shared his voice and some of his mannerisms – enough to fool the foolish crowd of sheep – but that was it.

He was a golem, now. A monster made of clay, and a little blood and flesh from the original, just to make the illusion perfect. What had happened to him? Loki did not know, but who ever was behind it, they were tremendously powerful. More so than him, if he were honest. Such a spell would ask knowledge of Aesir magic, yes, but also Blood Vanir magic, some dwarven fire spells, witchcraft from Midgard – oh, the Sorcerer was indeed very well-read. They had to be some ancient sage, having practiced magic for thousands of years and read every book on the matter.

Loki had to meet that person, so they could teach him everything they knew. After, he would be the most powerful sorcerer in the Nine realms, and no one would ever dare to stand in his way ever again. He would be king, reign supreme over all, marry Sigyn and make her his queen. He would tell her all about the new things he'd learn, as they used to as children, but this time, their private lessons would take place in his bed, instead of his mother's gardens.

Well, he could still make love to her in his mother's gardens, but they'd have to be careful. He did not want to give her a fright.

Loki cut a finger from the golem's hand – he would not miss it, anyway, and then, realized with surprise that the finger in question recreated itself, right at the place it was supposed to be.

Truly amazing. He needed that level of magic now.

Anyway. Back to his own spell. To find the Golem's master, and possibly steal all their tricks, the finger would help greatly. Where had the magician found the flesh and blood of Theoric Borson? Did that mean the man was dead? Well, if he was, good riddance. No one would miss him, though, Loki had to admit, it frustrated him a little not to be the one to get rid off that beast and save Sigyn from their union. He wanted to be the hero, her hero, and claim his reward. Of course, he could lie and tell her he was the one who had freed her, but still. The taste of her kisses of gratitude would have been even sweeter had he truly deserved them.

The spell was simple in a way. Every time the finger would be in the proximity of the sorcerer, it would get hotter in Loki's hand, and he would know his goal was not far. And so, the Prince of Asgard's quest began, looking and searching in the darkest corners of the realm. No. They were not in the caves. No, not in the forest either. The country? Not even close. The shady neighborhoods, where criminals and thieves lived? Not a thing.

Loki was starting to lose hope. Was the sorcerer not on Asgard anymore? Surely not! The Golem needed their magic to continue to exist. Unless of course, the creature's master was someone of the high society. No, it could not be. If it was the case, he would surely know them, and he would have noticed such sheer power. They would have been his mother's honored guest. Had they a double life? High society member during day time, and sorcerer at night?

He had been walking for two hours now, and was quickly approaching the center of Asgard's capital when, all of a sudden, the finger started reacting in his pocket. Oh. At last!

Guided by his improvised magical artefact, Loki arrived in a street he knew quite well. Startled, he checked every house, until he reached the one that surprised him the most.

That can't be...

He knocked quietly on the door, and smiled, as if nothing strange was going on, when Sigyn answered.

"Oh Loki", she said, her melodious voice enchanting him for very different reasons now. "Please, come in."

Her face looked pale and there were deep dark circles under her eyes. She looked exhausted, and instinctively, Loki took his friend in his arms, caressing her back tenderly. He felt her tense at first, before melting into his embrace, responding to his hug by sliding her arms around his waist.

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