Chapter I

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(Zhongli's POV)

I can't believe it happened again! Why am I cursed with this? I'm the geo archon, I can't die!

(IRL World)

"Sir Zhongli, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine!" I replied, straining my voice to sound normal.

I wash off the blood from my hands and throw the leaves in the trash hoping no one will find it. I walk out of the bathroom and say goodbye to Hu Tao. I start walking home wandering in my thoughts and not looking where I'm going when I suddenly bump into someone.

I look up and there, standing in front of me is a gorgeous man, with orange hair glowing in the sun and eyes as blue as the ocean. I'm in awe when I suddenly snap back to reality and get that dreaded feeling that I know so so well. I got up and teleported away just in time to reach a bathroom when I start throwing up blood again but this time, a single petal lays soaked in blood in my's gotten much worse than before. The pit of feelings mixed in my stomach, my disease and something I think is called "love"?

I Take the medication and go back to the funeral parlor with Hu Tao who greets me at the entrance. I just wave and head to my office to start working on papers. In the end I get almost no work done daydreaming about that boy that i met. I start walking home when I see him, standing in the dark next to a teleport waypoint at a bar. I walk over and apologize for bumping into him earlier and teleporting away, because of the fact that I was late for something.

"I never got your name, mine is Childe." he says with a smile.

"Mine is Zhongli." I reply with a soft smile.

"What a beautiful name, may I have your number?" he asks as I turn my head so no one can see the slight tint of pink in my cheeks.

I give him my number and he offers me a drink... and that's the last thing I remember. I wake up in bed naked next to Childe. I run to the bathroom and silently curse myself as I throw up once more. This time there's two petals and a lot more leaves. I clean up and rack my brain to try and figure out what happened the night before, I put together some fragments and come to the assumption that I got wasted and ended up sleeping with him. I go back to the room and grab my clothes as an assumption to try and leave without anyone noticing. I slip back on my clothes and leave the presumably sleeping Childe. I finally make it out of the house after what feels like twenty minutes because apparently he's a millionaire with a mansion.

(Childe's POV)

Wow, he got drunk fast! It's funny that he thought I was still sleeping. I suppose he doesn't know who I am.

(Back to Zhongli)

That's so embarrassing! Anyways i should go talk to Hu Tao, i have a lot of work to do..

When he gets there

"Zhongli! Where were you last night? I called you like fifteen times!" She said as I walked in the parlor.

"Oh about that... i sorta got drunk and-"

"And? There's more?"

"I woke up in bed with Childe." I said, blushing a bright scarlet red that was clearly visible.

"Childe?" she said questioningly.

"Guy i met yesterday that i told you about"

"Oh" she said with a half smile half frown.

"Well get your butt to work or else you're cleaning the whole floor too" she said in a teasing voice.

I hurried to my desk and started working when I felt it again. The dreaded feeling had come back again. I ran to the bathroom just in time as I started throwing up again. I proceeded to hear a voice as someone was knocking. I couldnt quite make out the voice as i collapsed on the floor from exhaustion and that stupid disease. The last thing I see is someone with reddish-brown hair ramming open the door as they find me along with a lot of screaming and then darkness. I woke up suddenly to the sound of people talking. Hu Tao was speaking to a secretary when she noticed I was awake. I sit up and rub my eyes trying to regain consciousness the fastest way possible. Hu Tao tells me that i had passed out in the bathroom with blood on my hands, a single flower lying in the blood. 

Hope you liked chapter 1! :) tell me if i should continue!


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