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"Come on, let's get you up." I raised to my feet and bent over to grip onto her hands as I helped her to stand up. I waited for Alina to steady herself before slowly beginning to walk with her to her bed. "What happened? I thought you were staying with Tyler tonight." I commented as I caught her before she tripped over.

"Don't even mention that prick." She stammered out as I slowly lowered her to her bed. I watched her practically crawl up her sheets and bury herself underneath the covers. I only sat at the edge, silently listening to her small cries and whimpers. I was confused as to what had went down, yet my heart felt burdened for her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her in a soft voice, remaining patient and calm at her behaviour.

There was a few seconds of sniffles and shaky breaths before I watched as the covers slowly moved and she pulled herself out from the depth of her blanket. She didn't look at me and only kept her head down.

"He's just a fucking asshole." She spoke out loud, I figured it was just to herself but I continued to let her talk without butting in. "I'm tired of always doing this shit with him." I only managed to make out a hiccup from her before she had already hunched over and began sobbing into her hands.

My heart only wretched for her more as I could only feel my eyes gloss over at the sight of her being in so much distress. I pulled my legs up from the side and shuffled towards her, I was going to just comfort her but by the time I got within arm reach, she had already pulled me towards her. I managed to freeze for a single moment as I felt her arms wrap around my waist and feel her head against my lap.

I looked down at her while I listened to her cries and sobs and I allowed my body to ease as I gently began running my hand through her hair while draping my other one up and down her back. I didn't really know how to handle drunk people, let alone crying drunk people. I'd never really been around drunk people before so I kind've just followed my natural instincts, my instincts being to comfort and care about them.

I didn't know what had happened and whether she chose to express that to me or not was her decision but for the moment being, I didn't want her to feel the need to make a decision right now. All I wanted her to do was to calm down and let herself be comforted. I cared about her. Maybe too much in so little time. But I cared. And I wanted to be there for her.

Her grip on me was the only voice to her inner thoughts that she wanted to be held. It was tight around me and it was seemingly a plead for me to hold onto her. And I obliged to that request.

I only felt that grip begin to loosen when her whimpers had shallowed and her weight had began to lift. I let my hands release from her hair and back and watched with a somber expression as she lifted up from me completely where I could now see her red face and blotchy cheeks yet somehow, she still looked so beautiful.

"I'm sorry, I'm not normally like this when I'm drunk." She sniffled out as I watched her pick at her nails and cuticles.

"It's okay." I didn't want her to apologise. She didn't need to.

I watched her sigh into her hands and wipe her eyes, she only groaned after she saw the dots of mascara and dark foundation smudges over her skin.

"Can you get me my makeup wipes?" I heard her sniff before watching her reach over to her bedside table and pull her hair into a bun.

"Yeah, course." I stood from her mattress and rummaged through her moving boxes, remembering where I had seen them from my previous chore frenzy. I soon spotted the green pack of wipes, sitting with her makeup remover and ultimately decided on bringing them both. Picking them up, I walked with them back to her bed and handed them to her.

"Thanks." It was a moment of silence that we shared as the only noise sounded from the crinkling of the pack and clicking sound from the top of the makeup remover.

I only watched as she glided the wipe across her skin and over her eyes as she used the hand held mirror, from her desk, for guidance.

I put my focus on her for only a little while before I stood up and got her some water. I filled up a small cup from one of the cabinets and also grabbed a tub of Advil, that my Mom had forced me to take, as well as the million other medical supplies. Guess they were useful after all.

I brought them back to her and just placed them on the small desk next to her.

"Thank you." She said to me with an appreciative grin which was then followed by a hiccup.

I sat quietly, patiently. I didn't want to rush her or make her feel like I was, I just sat cross legged on her bed waiting for her to talk, if she even wanted to at that.

"God, I'm sorry." A hard sigh erupted from her mouth. "We've literally just met and I'm already crying on you." She shook her head at herself, feeling ashamed.

Why was she apologising? She had nothing to be sorry for.

"It's honestly fine. I promise." I tried to sound as sincere as possible. I really did not want her to feel bad. "Please don't apologise."

She smiled at me in return for my words and slid the wipe over her forehead before pouring some more makeup remover onto it.

"I don't even know what happened. He just started accusing me of cheating on him." She told me as I watched her scowl.

I pulled a face at her words, I could feel the wrinkles in my nose. "Why?" I slightly shook my head.

"Heard some bullshit from his friends probably." She groaned once again while shaking her own head this time. "Fucking dick." This time it was a more of a mutter under her breath, but it was a loud enough insult to hear that was for sure.

"Are you okay?" I didn't know whether the question was smart to ask, probably wasn't, but I for some reason asked it anyway.

She was about to reply but her hesitance was obvious. I inferred this by her audible sigh and hands that had faltered in her lap.

"I don't know how I feel." I could tell that was a truthful answer and it hurt me to see her admit it. "He always does this." I watched her choke up on her own words as she looked at me with watery eyes.

I had to frown once again but didn't get a chance to say something as she had already let more words flow.

"I'm always faithful to him but he always just thinks that I'm not. We're always on and off because of this. We just got back together a few days ago and I don't want us to be broken up again." She explained to the best of her ability due to the state she was in. I assumed she hadn't managed to get completely whacked out of her mind because it was only half eleven and I had the impression that this accusation had probably killed her drinking buzz. Rightfully so. "I hate when we're not together but I'm so tired of him doing this to us. I can't even tell my friends about it because I always go back to him. They think we're good all the time and I just hate it."

I allowed her time to talk and explain what had happened. She didn't go heavy on the detail or the in's and out's of their issues but she had opened up. I knew that much. Maybe even too much. And especially with me. I liked that she felt comfortable in talking to me about something that seemed so sensitive to her and being able to confess parts of her relationship but I had a feeling that her intoxication played a huge part in her comfortableness. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing but I didn't know how kindly she would take to her words in the morning. Would she even remember?


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