Chapter 12 : Setting the Past Aflame

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I searched in Niles's pockets for the box of matches and grab them. I stared at the gasoline on the floor before cradling Melony in my arms. "Ready to go?"
I crawl outside the window, taking in all of the fresh air. The sun was starting to rise. I set Melony down somewhere far from the building. Taking a good look at the exterior, I smile at what Melony had said earlier. If we destroy this place, they will all be free. I pull out a match from the packet and stared at the tiny stick pressed against my index finger and thumb. Niles, maybe even you can find peace for what I will do. Maybe this can burn the corruption out of you once and for all. I quickly scrape the red end onto the box, the match starting to burn. Without any other hesitation, I throw the small stick onto the gasoline, watching as the interior set ablaze almost instantly. I step back toward Melony and pick her up again, watching as smoke bellowed from the windows and apparently multiple chimneys. The fire spread fast, nearly engulfing the entire place within mere minutes. I lick my dry lips for a moment.
"We.. We better get home before we get arrested for arson."
Melony said nothing, as she's always done. I turn around and walk into the dark forest. Crickets chirped, cicadas buzzed. Birds sung, snakes hissed at their prey. The morning wind was chilly, I shivered as it licked my skin. I look down at Melony. It was like carrying a newborn baby from the hospital, taking her home to let her live a new life. I blink at the thought of what would've happened if Zero didn't attack. I rub my thumb against Melony's hard shell. "Having a good rest?"
Nothing. I chuckle. "Sorry for waking you up, I'm just wanting to make sure."
I laugh again. On the walk home, we decided to have a little chat about what had just happened. Our first conversation was about the fake wedding. I was talking about what would've happened if Niles wasn't there to save us, and I laughed at the thought. My face slowly morphed into a frown. I look at Melony, beads of tears forming in my eyes as we approach the castle. As I grew nearer, there were missing posters everywhere, with our pictures on them. "Heh, they must've been worried sick about us."
I approach the castle entrance and knock on the door.

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