Chapter 8 : Storage Room

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We went through to the gymnasium I was just in, Alfred was no longer screaming. I barely heard his old body flop on the ground like a fish. He must've died by now. Axol looks over at the supply closet with a hole in the door.
"What happened over there?"
"Hm, I wonder."
I tilt my head. I wanted to tell them I was the cause of his death, but all that came out was "I wonder". I opened the exit for them. They walked out before I did. In the distance, we could hear the sound of a piano playing, followed by the sound of a violin. It had seemed we were all entranced by the beautiful classical music. As we drew closer, we saw a whole orchestra in an auditorium, the conductor getting to work on making sure the music is as smooth as possible. And yet, the conductor's movevents were jagged despite this smooth motions. The violin was playing a melody while the piano acted as support. There was one peculiar feature it seemed all 3 of us noticed; all of them were masked, with sad faces painted on them. None of them seemed human either. Their undersides seemed to be made of entire metal, unlike Alfred, who was only half robot half human. A feeling of guilt began to choke me gently. Soon, all of the orchestra was playing roles, my eyes sparkle at the sight. Niles places a hand on our shoulders. "Lets go, I think I see a way to a storage room."
My eyes sparkle more at the announcement. "That's wonderful! Let's go, Axol!"
Axol nods and Niles leads us to where he found a sign that says "Storage Room" with an arrow pointing downstairs. I gulp and start off down there, the boys following. I coughed as the dust went through my mouth trying to breath through the thick air. "Pleh, its dustier here than it is upstairs."
At the bottom of the stairs, there were many boxes of different sizes. None of them had labels.
"Search for the gasoline. I'll look for matches."
"Got it." Me and Axol said simultaneously. We looked around. I decided to check the larger boxes, since they are more likely to have gasoline containers in them than the smaller ones, which are what Niles is looking in. I was able to find one gas container, it was halfway full. "I got one!"
"I do too."
"I'm way ahead of yall, I already found some matches."
"Hey, dont brag about it, you goof!"
I laugh, but the laughter does not last too long. "Now what do we do?"
"Find a good area that the fire can spread in."
"And where would that be? The cafeteria?"
"Good idea."
"Oh, you think so?"
"Yeah. The more materials a room has the better."
We walk back up the stairs. Niles looks at me.
"You sure you know what you're doing?"
"Of course."
"Well, what if you're being tricked?"
"When did you get so worried about me? No offense."
"None taken. I'm just saying you can't trust everyone you meet."
"I can understand that. But it seems reasonable that we should destroy the place, you know what I mean? I mean, humans are probably being taken hostage and being turned into robots, and are going insane because of it. We're practically setting these guys free from their misery."
"I guess thats fair."
Niles smiled at me. "You know, you're a good person. You always see the good sides to each stressful situation. Axol's lucky to be with a girl like you."
"I sure am."
Axol smiled at me as well. I smiled at the compliment. But at the same time, it gave me a shiver.

The Other Half (Sequel to the SMG4 What If? AU)Where stories live. Discover now