Chapter 4 : The Designer

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(Author's note: I wonder if yall can guess who this next character is inspired by?)

The stairs were creaky with each step I took. The railway was covered in dust flying from the swipes of my delicate hand. There was something I noticed on one of the walls. A big picture of that man, and beside him was Soy, staring at me with barely any emotion left in them. Below the picture was a slab of gold reading "H!ro and $0¥: Patients of the Month". I stared right back at the two, a sense of guilt crawling up my throat. I turn and go another direction. In one of the rooms I pass, I hear the sound of a man vocalizing a song. His voice sounded southern, but a bit deep. Reluctantly, I slowly open the door, taking a peek inside. I dont see the singing man, but I can sure as hell hear him. But what I do see inside is a sewing machine and several mannequins with many different types of dresses. Each of them had one thing in common, they all had a fake puffy flower around the waist area. I walk in, taking a good look at the dresses. The colors were all various, and some even had sparkles. Some looked like they'd reveal quite a bit of cleavage whilst others didn't. However, they were all mesmerizing to look at. The man's singing grew quieter. I gulp. Hope he didn't hear me. I walk over to the sewing machine. Bits of fabric and thread were scattered everywhere. I grab a piece of cut fabric and feel it with my fingers.
"Do you like what you see, miss?"
I jolt and quickly turn around. Another man, most likely the man who was singing. He had a bald spot on the top of his head with fluffy grey hair around the side. His eyes were pale grey, and he wore a suit and tie with the name tag "Alfred M.". One thing stuck out about him though, half of his face was.. roboticized, I guess you'd call it. I gripped onto the table, swallowing some air.
"Uhm, yeah. You make lovely dresses, sir."
I started to sweat. The man smiled. "I'm glad you like them. Which would you like to wear for the ceremony?"
"Oh, dont tell me you've forgotten. The wedding, you silly."
I decide not to ask too many questions. "Oh, alright I guess."
I've never been to a wedding before, but I've always been told they are very wonderful experiences. But the thing is why would there be a wedding here in this place? The man walked closer to me.
"Now, miss."
He immediately covers my mouth and nose with a cloth.
"Sit here while I measure you. We need your dress to be perfect."
I struggled to get him to let go. Whatever he was doing made me very sleepy. It was only a few moments before I blacked out again.

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