Part 22:- You made me feel beautiful

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Did I overdo it? I shouldn't have crossed my limits. What she must be thinking about me? She will definitely think of me as a shameless jerk.

I reacted as if I haven't seen a girl with legs. Haven't I seen those magazines? Why did I behave like that? I made it awkward between us.

"Sir, you need anything? " A male specie dressed in a black tuxedo asked me to which I said no.

But why was I speaking with a spoon in my mouth?

"L...L...Let's go " I looked at the nervous demeanor of my wife. Oh yeah! She stuffed it in my mouth being all apprehensive.

I nodded at her, taking the spoon out of my mouth, I walked behind her.

It's highly uncomfortable to talk while having a spoon stuffed in your mouth. I don't suggest this to anyone.

~Thank you for your precious advice sir which nobody asked for.

I am already embarrassed enough for the day don't trouble me just go and sleep.

~Sure Mr. King of nowhere

Huh! Useless part of my mind.

We were walking towards the stairs. A  man suddenly tripped on the stair, I quickly pulled back Saanvi but my disaster of legs twisted making both of us fall on the ground. My one hand subconsciously went beneath Saanvi's head to protect her from hitting the hard tiled floor.

~Blunder after blunder.
Shut up. I didn't do it intentionally.

She was astounded so was I. It took time to sink in that she was beneath me, I was hovering over her. Being conscious of the hush-hush around us, She tried to get up but her pendant got entangled with my shirt button. She tried to detangle it but failed miserably. Seeing her struggle I asked her to let me do it. I looked at the thing carefully and it was not just an ordinary pendant it was Mangalsutra. The sacred thread which screamed of our relationship as a husband and wife. I understood why she was detangling it so delicately. I looked at her frowning face which was focused on my hand. It would be a big fat lie if I say that she was not looking breathtakingly gorgeous.
Her long eyelashes covered her pretty eyes. Her cute little nose where anger resides in bulk. Her pink plump lips were shaped in a pout. A little red line on her hairline of vermillion sent tingles in my body. Was she always this beautiful?

I have seen her countless times, how did I not notice her being this enchanting?

"Rishi" She whispered, the movement of her lips pulled something in me. I hummed in response as she already took away my ability to form words. "Everyone is looking at us" She whispered again. I didn't even understand why my eyes traveled from her lips to her collarbone. Everything about her was attractive. I was feeling hot. Unusually hot.

"Rishi" Her soft hands landed on my chest lightly pushing me off her and that's when I realized everyone was looking at us and I was shamelessly gawking at her. I got up, offering her my hand for help.

She got up and took Suchi in her arms who was standing with her palms on her mouth and eyes bulged out.
We quickly made it to our room without uttering a word.

As soon as we reached our room, Suchi started giggling non-stop. Looking at her hearty laugh, Saanvi kissed her cheek, "what happened baby? ", She asked playing with her curly locks.
" Dadda Kissie Mumma" She giggled again keeping her palms on her eyes.

Saanvi's eyes widened like saucers and my cheeks heated up. I ran to the balcony without looking at them.


I was surprised looking at my naughty daughter. Kids these days. I shook my head at her and put her to bed. Helping her change in her favorite shin chan night suit I put her to sleep. Although she kept giggling every now and then, I maintained a poker face. I sighed in relief once she slept.

I too changed and decided to talk to my tomato of a husband. I searched for him in the balcony but didn't see him. He came to the balcony right?.

"Rishi? " I called for him but didn't get any answer. Maybe he went somewhere when I was changing. With a thumping heart, I walked to the glass door but something in the corner caught my eyes. I went closer to find my husband hiding in the corner facing the wall and keeping his back towards me. He was looking nothing less than a scared cat.
I couldn't help but laugh at his antics.
This man is just too cute.

"Rishi" I shook him, biting my lips to stop laughing.

He looked at me for a brief second and then again turned his head towards the wall.
"Don't laugh" He said in a meek voice and I really couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

He huffed, turning his head away from me.

"Okay sorry" I sat beside him breathing heavily.

There was a comfortable silence between us until Rishi said "Sorry Saanvi".

Tearing my gaze off from the stars in the sky I looked at the sulking face of my Husband.

" I shouldn't have pulled that stunt when...when you were eating ice cream...I...should not umm... That must have looked cheap of me... Trust me Saanvi... I didn't know why I did it. I was" He was continuously blabbering making a cry babyface.

"Calm down, Rishi. It's fine " It was honestly fine. At that time when I looked at his face, he was equally shocked. I knew it just happened.

He was still not convinced and I knew he would just keep chanting sorry for the next two days making me smack his head.
Every time he does something which he thinks was not required, he would just get behind me and it would rain "sorry" Until I pinch him or smack his head.

"Rishi" I held his hand in mine, "Thank you for this trip".

With all the nervousness gone, His lips twitched in a beaming smile, " You liked it? ".

" I loved it. I never knew that I had a thing for adventurous sports. You made me discover a new 'me'". He gave me a charming smile, holding my hand tighter.

"It was fun spending time with you. This trip made me feel alive, I was enjoying it. You made me feel beautiful about myself. " His eyes twinkled with the revelation, "did I? " I nodded, the smile on his lips never left his face as we kept sitting there for long, counting the stars in the sky.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.


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Mr. Sehgal hiding in the corner

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