I don't know on how am I alive too but based on Ella, y/n's cousin in the real world that Dave mustve probably gave his life to me but why would he give it to me? We're literally strangers to each other despite living in the same roof for a week

Right now draken, mitsuya, Mikey, takemitchi, Peh Yan, chifuyu, kazutora, Emma, hina, Yza, Angel, Ella, izana, kakucho, hakkai and yuzuha is in my hospital room

They all went first at y/n room but they said that y/n was still asleep

I couldn't help on keep worrying about y/n

What if she stayed asleep forever?

What if she die in her sleep?

Chifuyu then went towards me and offer me an apple which he slice a few moments ago

While I'm about to eat a slice of apple a nurse came to us and told us that y/n is now awake

We all then rush to y/n room only to see her gazing at the blue sky on the window

I then ran towards her and hug her really tight


After I sat up from my bed a nurse came into my hospital room and she had a surprise look

"your finally awake miss baji" she stated while I look at her

She then told me everything about my condition. But I really can't believe that I'm asleep for almost a month

The nurse left again and told me that she'll tell to big brother about me being already awake

I was shock that my brother really is alive, thanks to Dave

"thanks for bringing back big brother" I mutter while gazing at the blue sky on the window

I got snap when I heard a banging on the door of my room and when I turned around there I saw big brother happy and worry at the same time

He didn't utter any word and ran towards me and hug me

The others saw me too and they were glad that I'm finally awake

The girls hug me too for seeing me awake now

I ask Yza about what happened at the battle and they told me that erissa and Rodas already came back to the real world they said that everything is fine now erissa won't do anything like that now and she will move on from our deaths in the real world

After a week I am finally out of the hospital as well as big brother

Of course I went home first and when I come home I found out that Ella is now living with us cause she and big brother are now dating and Ella couldn't find an apartment for her that suit her taste

While Yza and angel continued they're life in this world as well since they are all now dead in the real world

I'm really thankful at them for helping us that they gave up they're life in the real world just to help us

Everything went back to normal and nothing is going on anymore

Takemichi hasn't got back to the present yet cause he can't go back

Something mustve happen again in the present that he can't comeback

While we're discussing about takemichi how is he going to go back at the present we are all in the living room

Everyone who knew about takemichi being a time traveler is in our living room trying to help us figuring out how and why can't takemichi go back at the present again

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