Regulus watched over the Slytherin and the body of the Hufflepuff, tears pouring from his eyes, "Reg?" a soft voice choked out and Regulus froze in his spot before slowly turning around. There she was, standing a few feet behind him, slightly transparent as she looked at him with tears running down her face

"Love?" he choked out and the two of them ran to each other, throwing their arms around each other but Regulus pulled back from her, "you shouldn't be here. You arent supposed to be here, it isn't your time yet," he whispered to her, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear as she leaned into his touch

She looked over at her body and Mattheo, even if there was a part of her that wanted to stay with Regulus, she knew she had to go back and she knew she was running out of time to do so, "I don't want to leave you," she cried out, looking back at him, "what if I want to stay here with you, James, Lily, Marles and the others?" She whispered to him and he placed his hand on her cheek, she closed her eyes at the feeling, but there was something about it that felt wrong.

Her eyes opened and they went back over to Mattheo who was crying hard over her body, he hadn't stopped giving CPR and it looked like he was about to break down.

"Maybe we can be together again in another life... but right now, you need to be here," he whispered to her, "even though your happiness didn't end with me, I'm glad mine ended with you," he told her sincerely. she grabbed onto him once more, burying her head into his chest as she cried into him, "I'll wait for you..."

She pulled away from him before looking back over at Mattheo, she walked over to her body, she felt sick just from looking at it. She turned her head to look back at Regulus one last time, "I'm going to love you forever."

Regulus gave her a sad smile, "I love you," he whispered and she sat next to her body before leaning into it and everything faded to black. She felt a warmth take a hold of her and her throat burned. Her eyes fluttered open and she began to cough violently as she choked on the water in her lungs.

Mattheo quickly turned her head to the side and she began to vomit all of the water out. Mattheo wrapped his arms around her body tightly and began to cry into her stomach as she stopped vomiting water out and laid there exhaustedly. 

She managed to bring her hand to his hair and ran her fingers through his slightly tangled locks. His body shook violently against hers as he clutched onto her for dear life, he couldn't believe that she was okay. He was so scared that he had lost her.

He let go of her and helped her sit up before he grabbed the jacket that he had flung over his body and he pulled it over her head before he pulled her into his lap, not caring that she was soaking wet, he kissed her quickly over and over on the top of the head, "I thought I lost you," he cried to her softly.

She didn't say anything as she shivered against him, she was freezing and she was sad. She had been able to see Regulus again and now he was gone all over again, just like that. Madam Pomfrey and Theodore burst through the door. Madam Pomfrey was holding a large blanket and they rushed over to the pair

"Oh dear," Pomfrey cried out as she tried to grab the girls body from the boy but he held her away from her, scared of losing her, "Its alright love, I'm going to help her, she is freezing, we need to wrap her up in this towel and then get her back to the hospital wing. Youve done an excellent job but I can take it from here," the woman told him calmly and he hesitated before nodding his head and losing his grip slowly before handing Kirra over to the nurse. 

Pomfrey wrapped the girl up in the towel and help her stand, Kirra hadn't said a single word and it was beginning to worry all of them as they walked her back to the west wing. Mattheo and Pomfrey were helping carry her to the room while Theodore just followed in silence behind them, his heart shattered in his chest.

They made it to the hospital wing and placed her into a bed and began to cover her in blankets before Pomfrey began doing tests on her to make sure she wouldn't second hand drown and then began giving her medications.

Mattheo and Theodore just stood back, next to each other, fear and despression covering their faces as they watched the girl sit emotionlessly on the bed. The two boys were crying as they watched the nurse do everything that she could to help her

Finally, about an hour later, Pomfrey stood back from the girl who had fallen asleep, she walked over to the boys who hadn't said a word since they got to the hospital wing, "She is going to be alright boys, she just needs to rest. You are welcome to stay here with her for the night, we don't usually allow that, but I think she really needs you boys right now."

The boys nodded their heads, not thanking the woman as they went to take seats next to the girl. Madam Pomfrey let out a small sigh and went to walk off before she heard one of the boys speak up

"Did she do it on purpose?" Mattheo asked softly, looking at the sleeping girl

Pomfrey let out a small sigh, "It's very rare for a 14 year old girl to just drown in a bath tub unless its on purpose," Pomfrey explains and Mattheo didn't respond after that, instead he just reached out and grabbed the girls hand in his own.

The boys were pissed, how could she do this? How could she just try and leave them there? What had gone wrong, what had just suddenly driven her to try and end it all?

Pomfrey understood that they didn't want to talk anymore so she gave them their privacy by closing the curtain and then walking away. Mattheo and Theodore sat on both sides of the bed, and each of them held one of the girls hands in their own.

They stayed awake almost the whole night watching the girl in silence before slowly and surely, their heads fell down onto the edges of the bed and they fell asleep

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