Chapter 9

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Two days had passed since the episode in the old pulse-bot factory. The rebellion was now in Mystacor, recovering from all the pain of the last few days. Bow and Glimmer had left to go and check on Bow's dads, and they had refused to go near the failsafe until they had discussed it with them first. Shadow Weaver had not been happy about that, but, as Glimmer was the official leader of the rebellion, she had no choice but to wait for them to get back.

Frosta had woken up and was recovering nicely. She had just taken a nasty hit to the head. Sea Hawk was now fully recovered, and neither he nor Mermista had gone anywhere near Adora. Not that it was difficult to avoid her. Adora had not left her room the entire time they had been there.

Bow and Glimmer had come in to try and assure her that no one hated her, nor did they blame her for what she had done. Entrapta had then come in and removed the chip from the back of her neck. When she was done, King Micah then came in to ask Adora if she could give any insight into Horde Prime's plans. She could not.

Adora had now removed her armour and was back in her old clothes (not her red jacket – she did not know what Horde Prime had done with it). She lay on her bed and tried to sleep. Maybe when she woke up she would be back on Darla. Catra would still be alive and she would not feel like she was being stabbed every time she thought about her.


It had taken two days, but Scorpia, Perfuma and the squad had finally made it to the Crimson Waste. Glimmer had asked them to go and find out just how dire the Horde's situation was, and to help them however they could.

As they approached the Valley of the Lost, they began to work out a plan. It was decided that Perfuma and Scorpia would go and find Huntara, while the squad got their hands on a skiff to take them to the outpost. As they went their separate ways, someone watched from the shadows.


Octavia fell to the ground. Grizzlor raised his arm as he prepared to strike her again. Force Captain Lance got in the way, however, and yelled:

"Stop! We can't start fighting each other! That won't help anyone!" Grizzlor turned and glared at him.

"It's been nearly four days since Catra was here! She's had four days to get us help, and guess what? Nothing has changed!" He then turned back to Octavia, who was staring up at him angrily.

"We have no food, no water and no time! We have to surrender!" Octavia growled as she stood back up.

"The Horde doesn't surrender." There was a tense moment where no one said anything. Then the weapons store exploded. Horde Prime was finally attacking.


Perfuma tried to be as inconspicuous as possible as she and Scorpia walked down a side street to where she remembered Huntara had taken them last time. As they approached the shack in question, a voice they both recognized called out to them:

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. The purple giant isn't exactly in the mood to receive guests." Perfuma and Scorpia turned around to face the voice.

"Double Trouble" Perfuma muttered under her breath.

"Hello darling! Long-time no see!"


As the squad approached Horde Prime's outpost in the center of the valley, Kyle got increasingly nervous. He hated fighting and was bad at it. That being said, his squad was his family and he would not leave them to go on a mission alone.

He had the imp strapped to his back and a stun baton in his hand. He took a deep breath as he prepared for the ordeal ahead. Well, Lonnie would not call it that. All they had to do was knock out a clone and steal a skiff. What could go wrong?

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