Chapter 2

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It had taken several days for the news of the cadets' absence to reach Hordak. He was bound to find out eventually. While he had been regularly checking in with Catra, who had constantly assured him that everything was fine, he had also been hearing whispers from his soldiers. He had eventually contacted Sergeant Cobalt and it had not taken long for him to admit the truth. Enraged, Hordak decided to return to the Fright Zone.


Catra's mental state had gone from bad to worse. She had not been eating or sleeping. She had begun to doubt the wisdom of destroying everything she had built, and it killed her to know she could not take back what she had set in motion. She had heard nothing from Octavia (not that she had expected to, but it would be comforting to know whether or not her plan was working). She still had no news of Double Trouble. She assumed they must have been captured.

Catra had successfully got her troops to the borders of the Kingdom of Snows and Plumeria. She was just waiting for Hordak to signal his complete control of Salineas before launching a simultaneous attack. The rebels would not know what hit them.

Catra had made little effort to weaken the Horde since disbanding the cadets, but she did not have to. Almost half of the soldiers still in the Fright Zone had deserted, along with several in the field as soon as they found out. Without the cadets, the Horde had no future. Only an idiot or an insanely loyal follower would stay. She marveled at how long it was taking Hordak to find out about the cadets. It must be common knowledge by now. As if on cue, Hordak rang her on her tablet. She quickly answered:

"Yes Lord Hordak?"

"I shall be returning to the Fright Zone shortly. You and I have much to discuss." Catra noticed the scowl on Hordak's face. She had displeased him. He must have found out. She chose to play it cool.

"Very well. I will prepare for your arrival." Hordak grunted before hanging up. Catra breathed heavily before checking the cameras again for Scorpia. She did not understand why she was so obsessed with her. She should be happy for her. The princesses were probably treating her like a queen. It is what she deserved. Catra was sad and lonely, however, and that drives people to do strange things. She looked out the window and saw her old squad returning from a mission. She decided to go and yell and them.


When Hordak arrived, he wasted no time in summoning Catra to his throne room. It was bizarre seeing him in there. He had almost always been in his sanctum since Entrapta entered his life. Catra entered cautiously – not knowing if he would try and kill her before giving her a chance to explain. Not that she could explain.


"Yes Lord Hordak?"

"Where are the cadets?" Catra gulped. She had to lie and it had to be believable.

"They are doing a training exercise outside of the Fright Zone." Hordak raised an eyebrow. Catra continued:

"Force Captain Octavia is supervising the exercise. They should be back soon." Catra shifted nervously before attempting to change the subject:

"Are you ready for our attacks on Plumeria and the Kingdom of Snows to go ahead?" Catra prayed she had convinced him. Hordak glared at her before turning around and staring at the wall.

"Sergeant Cobalt said you ended the cadet programme and sent every one of them home." Catra grunted in annoyance. She figured she had not entirely convinced Sergeant Cobalt to support her cause of weakening the Horde. She had used the wellbeing of the children in the midst of an intensifying war as her main argument. He was stubbornly loyal to Hordak though, so his tattling came as no surprise.

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