Chapter 1

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Catra dropped the note and stared blankly at Scorpia's bed. She had been abandoned – again. Why did this always happen to her? What was so wrong with her that people kept leaving her?

Catra had conquered Salineas. Her. No one else. Of course Hordak had taken the credit, but her strategy with Double Trouble was the only reason they had succeeded. She was the best Force Captain the Horde had ever had. Now that Salineas was theirs, Etheria would fall within a matter of weeks. The planet was hers yet no one stayed with her. Not even Scorpia.

Catra screamed and fell to her knees. Had she been wrong this whole time? Was she really just a villain fighting a pointless war? Was Adora right? Catra picked the note back up and shredded it with her claws. The tears began to fall uncontrollably. She half-wondered whether she should be ashamed of her weakness. However, the stress she had been under, combined with the intense wave of emotions, clouded her judgement. She kept crying on the floor of Scorpia's room until she had no more tears left in her.

Catra could not tell how much time had passed and she did not care. She slowly got up and headed back to her quarters. It was then that her tablet began to beep. She assumed it was Hordak and quickly wiped away all evidence of her breakdown.

Catra was now standing in an empty hallway of the Fright Zone. Catra vaguely recognized a pipe which she used to hide behind when she was smaller. She accepted the call but strangely no video came through. Instead she heard what sounded like Hordak, but was definitely not Hordak.

"Little sister?" Catra's eyes went wide and her left ear tweaked in alarm.

"What? Lord Hordak, is that you?"

"Hordak? Is that what my little brother has called himself?" The voice sounded genuinely amused. Catra was stunned. If she did not know better, she would guess this was Double Trouble playing a trick on her. Only she had not heard from them in a while, and whatever this was did not fit their sense of humor. She checked the identity of the person calling her. It was not Hordak - the number was unknown. The voice had now gone silent, but whoever it was was still connected.

Catra took a deep breath before asking:

"Who are you?" She heard an unsettling chuckle.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm Horde Prime." It was then that an image finally came onto her tablet screen. What she saw made her recoil in disgust. It was Hordak with four eyes, dreadlocks and an extremely malevolent smile. Horde Prime laughed.

"I thought you would be happy to see me, Catra. You did open the portal to get my attention, did you not?" No, she did not.

" you want to me to put you through to Hordak?"

"No" he said, briefly moving all four of his eyes to look at something near him. Catra felt a cold chill run down her spine. Before she could wonder why, Horde Prime continued:

"It took me a while to identify you as the one who opened the portal, and even longer to connect to your personal communication device." Catra's eyes went wide. How had he been able to do any of that? Just how advanced was his technology? Horde Prime continued:

"I assume you can re-open the portal?" Catra shifted nervously. She did not like this guy.

"Well, I suppose I could, but the equipment was destroyed after I activated the portal the first time." Catra paused before asking:

"Why do you want it reactivated?"

"So I can come through with my army of course. You wear the symbol of the Horde - I assume you would not be opposed to some reinforcements?" Catra began sweating. If they were led by him, she would definitely be opposed.

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