Together at Last

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Ok friends. Here is the last chapter of Kaoru x Reader (Which was newly named It Was You based on the song that gave me the inspiration to finish this last chapter). It has been a long time since I started this story, and Frankly, It's weird having it done. If enough of you want, I might write a few specials and an epilogue, but this is the official end of the story. Now I won't blab anymore because I know that most of you will either skip this or be getting impatient, so my last thing for now is this: PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG AS YOU READ. Most preferably at the very end. You'll see when you get there.


The next few days passed in a deceivingly peaceful way. Hikaru stopped pestering you about Kaoru, and you were successfully able to avoid much contact with said twin. You felt pretty successful, and you were sure that Hikaru had given up on you.

It was a cosplay free day in the club, and you were thankful for the lack of extravagant (and slightly revealing) outfits. You calmly sat in your area and sipped tea as you entertained your customers. There was little craziness, and you were content in the break from the Host's shenanigans.

As you hosted, Hikaru was racking his brain for an idea that would make you and Kaoru start dating. That was his problem. You and Kaoru were some of the most stubborn people he knew, and he was positive nothing short of genius would work. He needed the perfect plan. It had to be aggressive, infallible, and cunning.

He had already thrown away countless ideas, and was beginning to get irritated with his inability to compose a plan. He watched as you were hosting, and then glanced at his brother next to him. You were idiots. He continued to gaze around the room, and his eyes fell on something. Something that sparked an idea. Something that sparked a perfect idea. An idea that would definitely work.

He grinned evilly as he plotted, but sadly, you and Kaoru were completely oblivious.

You strolled into Ouran Academy without a care, and made your way to your first class. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi were already there, so you settled yourself in your seat. Classes began, and passed by like every other day. You were beginning to tire of how monotonous your days were becoming, with exception of the Host Club of course. The day crawled by, and school was finally over. You began to head towards the club room, when a frantic Hikaru sprinted towards you. Slightly suspicious of him, you watched as he bent over gasping for air, and then looked towards you.

"(F/n)! There's an emergency!" He yelled dramatically. You looked at him questioningly and replied

"What is it?"

"It's Kaoru! He locked himself in the closet in the Host Club room! He w\isn't coming out, and he won't answer anyone!"

You gasped slightly, and you immediately began worrying for the ginger. What could have caused him to become upset enough to lock himself away from his twin? A sudden pang hit your heart as you wondered if maybe it was about some girl. You tried not to feel jealous, but you couldn't help but feel it start bubbling up in your stomach.

Shaking that feeling off you looked at Hikaru. He could be lying, but the despair on his face looked jarringly realistic. You decided not to risk it, and followed Hikaru to the music room.

As you arrived you found the rest of the Host Club standing near one of the closets in the room. You now fully believed Hikaru and ran towards everyone else.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?!?" You exclaimed angrily, immediately turning on Tamaki with a murderous glare. He blanched at your deadly aura, and immediately pointed at the door.

"Kaoru won't come out (F/n)!" He squealed. Feeling a little guilty you patted him on the back and headed nearer to the door.

Suddenly, a mischievous redhead smirked. As you leaned closer, he motioned to Honey and Mori. They nodded, and Honey opened the door while Mori shoved you in. You landed in a graceless heap on the ground, and instantly glanced behind you to see a smirking Hikaru yelling good luck.

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