18 ~ Confusion and Ice Cream

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Chaotic Coworkers

Dahlia 🌺

Hey, I'm back!

What were you all up to?

Spidey 🕷

You're awake!?

Dahlia 🌺

What do you mean "awake"?

Spidey 🕷

You were in a coma!

Dahlia 🌺

Wait, how'd you know?

Doctor 🩺

You shouldn't be on your phone this soon.

Dahlia 🌺

I was bored 🙃

But seriously, Spidey, how'd you know?

Tin Can 🗑

Kid, get off your phone.

Dahlia 🌺

You can't make me 😝

Red 🔪

Dahlia, get off your phone right now.

Dahlia 🌺

But I just got on 🥺

Teapot 🫖

They're right, Dahlia, you should get off you're phone

Dahlia 🌺

You guys are no fun ☹️

<Third person POV>

As soon as Dahlia texted Peter, he raced to Tony's lab. The doors flying open, Tony jumps slightly and looks at the panicked Peter. "She's awake! Let's go!"

"Whoa there, what's going on?" Tony questions as Peter drags him as fast as he can go.

"It's Dahlia!"

Tony's eyes widen, and he picks up his pace. He worries that something is wrong until he checks his notifications. Reading the texts as he speeds down the hallway, he takes a second to insert himself into the conversation.

Reaching her room, they see that Bruce is already on his way into the room. 

She lies there, pale but alive and conscious. Her red curls are falling onto her face and the bruises still prominent.

Seeing these strange men enter her room, she furrows her brows with confusion. Why are these people here?

A nurse and doctor approach her, checking various things around the room. They're all silent as they finish. When the medical staff is done with their work, Tony asks her if it's okay for them to stay for a few minutes. The doctor looks between Dahlia and him before nodding. The nurse and doctor leave the four alone, closing the door behind her.

She notices that she does, in fact, know two of the strangers. The man and the kid that she met with Olivia. She doesn't know why they're with her though.

The silence is deafening. It doesn't last long before the tension becomes too much to bare.

"Katie, what happened to you?" Tony asks quietly, not wanting to startle the girl.

At first, she is confused. After thinking about it for a second, she grimaces as parts of what happened come back to her.

"Maybe we should give her some time," Bruce suggests, sending the adults in the room a look.

"Who-" she coughs to clear her throat, still not being used to talking- "who are you? Why are you here?"

Eyes widening as he realises his mistake, Bruce apologises, "I'm Bruce. This is Tony, Natasha, and Peter"

Natasha calms her worries, revealing that she was undercover. They explain everything that has happened since they got to the apartment–to their knowledge.

That night, Tony walks out to the common floor and finds Peter sitting on the couch with a bowl of ice cream. "Hey, kid. How're you doing?"

Peter shrugs, shoving another spoonful into his mouth. "Fine, I guess. I'm just worried about Dahlia."

Tony sits next to the teenager and puts an arm around his shoulders. Peter relaxes immediately, leaning against him while eating.

He always likes when Tony hugs him like this, knowing that it helps him feel better.

"Well, we've got her. We don't need to worry anymore."

"Yeah...I hope so..."

After a little bit more chatter and ice cream consumption, they start heading upstairs to bed. Peter says goodbye, and then heads toward his room.
"Night, Spidey."

Turning around, he sends Stark a weak smile, "goodnight."

Slightly smiling as well, Tony turns away, walking the other direction.
When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he feels someone step into his personal space. Without looking, he knows who it is without even looking.

"How is she?" Pepper questions, putting her arm around him.

"She's okay for someone who's been through all that she has been–or at least she seems to be."

She nods with pursed lips. "How's Peter taking it?" Pepper questions, opening the door to their room.

Shrugging, he rubs the back of his neck with his free hand. "He's really worried."

"I'm sure...I think I might try talking to him tomorrow, but not tonight.." She lets out a tired sigh, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight, darling." With one final smile and hug, Pepper leaves to get ready for bed.

Once she is gone, Tony collapses onto the couch, rubbing his temples with a sigh. Today has been eventful, and the headache that follows is not helping matters at all. He only hopes Katie will be okay with moving into the tower.

Who'd take her in as her legal guardian, though? He doesn't feel like he's ready to adopt again–one Peter Parker is enough kid to handle all on his own. Plus, that would only ruin the chance his ship had. He wants it to stay afloat at least a little while.

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