"Much better, and yes I was finding it rather peaceful until recently. Have you tried growing your own vegetables?"


Tony became impatient. "Back to the problem we have that is Ultron."

"Ah yes...another conversation for you all to have. I'll make myself scarce." Mo went to turn to go back upstairs.

Steve stopped her. "You don't have to leave us sweetheart..." he told her gently.

Settling herself onto a chair, she looked around at them all. "Right...well you'd best fill me in on everything that has happened then." Anything to take her mind from everything surrounding her. 


Steve leant down and kissed his wife's neck while she sat brushing out her hair later that evening. With everyone settled and getting some sleep, the house was quiet once more. "I like them a lot..." she smiled and rested her head against his. "It's a good team."

"After what went on today? People probably think otherwise." He sighed and stood upright again.

Mo rose from stool and put her hands on her hips. "Sometimes...collateral damage can be unavoidable. I think out of everyone here, we can confirm that fully."

"Tony...he's just" Steve couldn't think of the words, "Sometimes it's a power struggle."

"Darling..." Mo now sighed. "In any group, there will always be one. Remember the commandos? No team is ever perfect, and no team ever should claim to be." Her eyes skimmed him up and down. He was still wearing the suit...the suit was always something that made her go crazy, especially now with it's variations he had. She traced her fingers over the star in the middle. "You should wear this in here more often."

"Is that so?" he smirked.

"It's an order...Captain."  Her arms snaked around his neck, and she kissed him.

He stopped her. "I'm the one who gives the orders, remember?"

"Hmmmm, I love it when you get all authoritative."

"Only when I get you into bed." He silenced her with a kiss and practically ripped her nightwear from her body with a swift pull.

"Steve!" she laughed, trying to keep quiet as he pushed her back onto the bed and crawled over her. "That was my favourite nightie!"

"I'll buy you a new one." He said in between kisses, her hands undoing the trousers of his suit. "But now you've gotta be quiet sweetheart."

Shedding him of his suit, she arched her back towards him more as he trailed kisses down her body, teasing her over until she was all but pleading for him to be inside of her. He pulled her onto him, grunting slightly as she moved down so as he was fully inside of her, breath hitched at the feeling. "Am I hurting you?" he asked as they slowly began to move against one another. 

"No...goodness it always feels so good..." 

He kissed her chest as she moved on him, hands entwined with one another. "Just as well you're gonna finish all over me then." Then kissing her hard on the mouth, "And that's gonna be soon, you're barely holding on." 

"You're a bad man." she panted, still trying her hardest not to moan loudly. 

"Mhmmm." He hummed in agreement, feeling her clench more around him. He loved rendering her to this, with no control whatsoever. "Almost there..." 

That was enough to make her quake around him, Steve spilling deep and hot inside of her before flipping her back under him, lips trailing over her once more until she pulled his face to hers.

"You are an animal." She scolded as they both laughed against one another. 

"and you like it." 

"I can't decide if the future has been a bad influence on you or not." 

"Oh no, if anyone's to blame then it's you sweetheart." 

"Mhmmm...yeah I know...yeah..." Mo could hear Steve talking in the hallway when she woke. Even if he was talking quietly, he was pacing. "So how many we got?" he carried on, clearly either talking to one of the others. They were the only people there after all. "Alright...well then we need to get over there..." 

He was leaving her again. Her heart sank a little. Mo had hoped she'd at least would have had him for an extra days or so, but that was wishful thinking now she thought about it more. Especially after what they had all spoken about with Fury last night.

As soon as he finished his conversation from just outside the bedroom he came in, a little surprised to see her awake. "You have to go don't you?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart..."

She nodded. "I know. it's ok – How long will it take?"

"Hopefully not as long as the last time, we're finishing this with Ultron once and for all."  He perched on the edge of the bed next to her and kissed her gently. "Come on, don't give me the Carter stare."

"I'm not giving you the 'Carter stare'" she smirked. "I just...wish I could have you longer to myself instead of the others, and I know it's selfish of me to say such a thing, but I mean it."

He tucked some hair behind her ear. "I know...but I'll be back before you know it and then you get me to yourself for as long as you like. Remember the deal? I only step back in if they really need me."

She nodded. "You'd best get your stuff together."

"Did you move my shield?"

"Well leaving it in the laundry room wasn't the best of places to keep it." she mused. "So I popped it in the cupboard under the stairs, darling. Needs a bit of a polish if you ask me."

He threw her a look. "That's incredibly British of you."

"I know, but after all it goes through..."

He chuckled, gave her one last kiss and got up. "Right...I'm gonna grab a shower and then I'll have to go."

By now she'd got up and pulled her robe around her. "And I am in desperate need for a cup of tea. Want one?"

"That'd be great." He said, getting a towel from the cupboard and making for the bathroom,

As she watched the group leave later on, Fury - who had taken the offer to stay - looked across to her. "You still feel the same way about that shield of yours?" 

Mo didn't look at him, staring at the vacant area where the jet had been sat minutes before. "If I'm honest, I really don't know what to feel anymore..." 

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