Chapter 9: Chakra

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What does a house wear?


Red light tinged with orange, yellow, pink and green danced merrily around his room, casting waving shadows across the walls.

Lazily, he trailed a hand through the air watching as little dust mites scattered in swirls, distorting the light and casting more shadows.

Naruto sighed softly and twisted to lie on his back, eyeing the window that was obscured by swaying branches and leaves.

Don't get distracted, Naruto. Kurama scolded, focus your mind inwards and to your chakra paths. The fox sounded amused and frustrated.

" Sorry," Naruto began in a mumble, " it's just, everything is sooooo...mhmmm.....zen? Calming even. That I can't help but want to focus more on the outside than the inside. "

The birds sang the trees swayed, animals were starting with their daily lives. And the noise of the forest, compared to the city was almost deafening.

But so very calming and beautiful.

The kitsune sighed amusement even clearer.

Naruto, the entire point of meditation is to be calm and centred and to find your chakra paths. But mostly to be calm. So find your centre please, we need to activate your chakra reserves, and then we may move on to the next exercise. Kurama practically begged, laughter softening his pleading tone.

The boy snorted and buried himself underneath the blankets.

" I'll try. I ain't promising anything though." He warned, closing his eyes and deepening his breathing.

He didn't really want to do this. The mere thought of having more reserves unlocked was frightening especially since he could feel the rolling power of his current reserves bubbling through his body at a speed that if it were a wind would-be cutting. For the life of him, he couldn't seem to convince himself that this was a reasonable idea. Despite knowing that the extra reserves unlocked early in life would be very beneficial for his career as a shinobi later on.

Of course, even without these extra reserves unlocked later on he would have enough to rival a Cage. With them unlocked......

He shivers, a cold chill crawling slowly down his spine.

Kurama had said that unlocking chakra reserves could only be done between the ages of 2-6 and was a practice done only by those of the Uzumaki clan. A child of the clan had to unlock those reserves with only the verbal guidance of a clan member because apparently the reserves would be poisoned if a foreign chakra that wasn't a part of the person activated those reserves.

This is in part the reason why Uzumaki are well known for their chakra. Most however didn't take part in this tradition because of their chakra being a lot more than others usually have.

Naruto agreed with the thought that doing this was rather unnecessary. The older fox, though said that he wouldn't teach Naruto anything practical unless he had all of his extra reserves active.

Gritting his teeth, the small boy forcefully calmed down in order to gather his thoughts and start on his meditation before the other fox could reprimand him for losing focus again.

On his next inhale the boy mentally dove down into his body in order to find his chakra paths that would hopefully lead to small little pockets that seemed to be closed off.

Naruto hummed softly as he flowed along with his gently swirling energy.

Despite his misgivings, it felt remarkably soothing to be carried along the wavering pathways that created complex little webs throughout his body.

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